Chapter 27

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After another hour, we made our way out of the restaurant. Jack, Alex, CC, Ashley and Mike were drunk somehow. Jake was dragging CC back to the venue while Andy and Jinxx were trying to drag Ash back. Jaime and I laughed as we watched Jack hop into Zack arms, wrapping his arms around his neck. 

"To the bus, Zachary!" Us sober people laughed as Zack carried Jack bridal style. 

"Whatever you say, Jack Attack." Zack took off running, still carrying Jack. After about ten minutes of talking to Jaime and Rian, we made it back to the venue. Zack wasn't there so we assumed he was on his way back to the buses already. We made more small talk on our way back. About half way there, we found Zack comforting a crying Jack. I motioned for the others to go on.

"I'll go see what's wrong. Rian, come with me." Rian and I made our way over to the two while everyone else moved on to the buses.

"Hey, is Jack okay?" Zack turned around. He too had tears in his eyes.

"Rozlynn, give me your wrists. Jack said he noticed a few weeks ago that you had fresh cuts but he couldn't say anything since he hadn't apologized yet. Rozlynn, why did you do it?" Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered that day all those weeks ago. I was upset because I had finally found the guys and they had forgotten me. I showed them my wrists which were all healed up; just little pink and white lines now. Jack took my right arm, Zack took my left and Rian hugged me from behind.

"Why?" I looked over at Jack. Tears were streaming down all our faces.

"It was my second or third day here. I was about to start doing my hair and my make-up bag fell and my old blades fell out. I just felt so sad because of what happened with you guys and I cut. I'm sorry. I haven't done it since. Zack, Rian, all my new friends, Dahvie, Jayy, and Andy have kept me happy since." Jack choked back a sob and brought his lips to my wrists. He let them linger for a bit before pulling away. Zack did the same to my left wrist and then we all hugged. After crying on each other Jack put his hands on my shoulders and made me look up at him.

"Promise me it won't happen again?" I nodded and held out my pinky.

"I promise, Jacky." Jack smiled and wrapped his pinky around mine. We all hugged again. Jack then picked me up and thew me over his shoulder. I squealed as he started running to the buses. Zack and Rian were running next to us. We all laughed as I screamed and yelled for Jack to put me down. I pounded my fists against his back.

"Jack! Put me down!" Jack finally gave in and some members of other bands were giving us weird looks. I took Jack's hand in my left, Zack's in my right and Zack took Rian's hand. We walked hand-in-hand all the way to our buses. We got back to find Andy waiting for us. He laughed at our hand-holding.

"Is Jack okay now?" We nodded and removed our hands from each other's grips.  

"Everything's fine now. It was nothing, Andy." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hugged me back and dropped his head down so he could kiss the top of my head. 

"Are you sure? You guys look like you were crying." Jack shook his head. 

"Nothing to worry about, Andy. We talked about it. Its all good now. " Andy nodded and we all stood there for a few more moments. "Okay, Zack, carry me to the bus." Jack leaped into Zack's arms, wrapping his own around Zack's neck. Rian, Andy, and I laughed as Zack sighed and carried Jack into the bus.

"See you tomorrow Rozlynn." I waved to Rian.

"Bye Ri." I took Andy by the hand and we started walking to our bus, which was only a few yards away. Andy swung out hands back and forth as we walked. 

"So, i was thinking, and i think you should come sing with us on stage tomorrow." I laughed.

"No way in hell, plus, what song would we even do?" 

"Lost It All. You could sing Juliet's part." I sighed. 

"As long as you pinky promise that its just this one time," He nodded.

"Of course its just once. Unless you want to do it again." I laughed as Andy opened the door for the bus and we walked in. 

"It will only be once, Andy." The guys looked up.

"You convinced her to do it?" Andy nodded and the guys cheered. CC ran over and picked me up. 

"You better practice dearie. Andy! Take her to the back room, turn on the music and sing!" CC handed me to Andy who took me and carried me to the back room. 

"You know, i have legs that work," Andy laughed and set me down on the couch. He plugged his phone into the speakers and turned on the song. We practiced for hours on end. It was around three a.m. when we decided to call it a night. 

"Alright lets go to sleep." I nodded as he turned off the music. I got up and walked to my bunk, climbing in. I was still in my dress, but i didn't care. I felt Andy climb in beside me. "Is it okay if im in here tonight?" I nodded and curled up against his chest. He had taken off his shirt and pants. 

"Goodnight, Andy." he mumbled something just as I fell asleep

A/N: yeah so Rozlynn is gonna sing XD ill make sure to put a link to a video of what I think her singing voice sounds like cx also, sorry it took so long to update ;-; 

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