Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

{Jack's POV} 

I stormed off to the ATL bus as i tried to keep tears from running down my face.  Once i got onto the bus, I called a "meeting" with Alex, Zack, and Rian. 

"What the hell is it now, Jack?" Zack groaned. 

"Its about Rosie." I explained. They all seemed to perk up at her name. 

"Did she agree to come on the bus?" Alex asked hopefully. 

I shook my head," No. She knows that i like her, she used to like me too, but she got over me because we left. And...she's dating Biersack." 

"What?" Alex shouted. "She's dating that prick? That's it, I'm taking her away from those bastards now." He stood up and started to walk away, but Rian stopped him.

"Alex, wait," Rian yelled." We said we would give her time. Just because she doesn't want to date Jack and hates us so much she doesn't want to come on the bus, doesn't mean you can force her too. You can't keep her from dating other boys, Alex. I watched their Stickam last night and she seems really happy, and so does Andy. They're actually pretty cute together. Zack and I have been talking, and we were thinking of maybe just me and him could go out and have a coffee with her and Andy. Maybe even the rest of the BVB guys. I don't think you guys should come. We are already following her on social media, we have her number and she talks to us. She hates you two more than she hates us. So just give her a damn break for once. You two were always breathing down her neck and now, years after you two forgot about her, you're doing it again. Its just not right."

Alex gritted his teeth," I never forg-"

Zack cut him off," Save it, Gaskarth. Every time me and Rian ever said the name 'Rozlynn' or 'Rosie' you two would get all confused and ask 'Who the fuck is that?' and the either me or Rian would say 'Alex's little sister,' and you two would laugh and say that Alex didn't have a sister. Remember that?" Zack was crying now and Rian was shaking his head at Alex and I. 

"Zack, I'm sorry but i don't-" Alex started off.

"Yes you do Alex, don't lie, i can see it in your face. I know you remember it because i do," I whispered. Alex looked at his shoes.

"I'm going to take a shower," he muttered. I walked back to my bunk. I laid down in it and thought about  everything i'd done these past few years that had hurt Rosie. 


{Rozlynn's POV] 

 I sighed and walked back to the couch. I sat down in a heap and frowned at the TV.

"Babe, don't let him get you down. I'm sorry he keeps breaking his promises," Andy said. I sighed and leaned against Andy, my head on his shoulder. 

"i just wish he would understand that i was over him the second he left without saying goodbye. I wish he would understand that I hate him and Alex." I vented. 

CC looked confused, "What about Zack and Rian?" Everyone stared at me, waiting for an answer. 

"I've been talking to them, through twitter and text messages and they've been really kind. They think Jack and Alex are dicks for trying to make me go on the ATL bus. And they also said they never actually forgot about me, that they just didn't want Jack and Alex to seem like even bigger dicks. Please understand," I explained. 

"Did they at least apologize?" Jake asked.

I nodded,"Everyday before they go to onstage." They all nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence as we watched TV. After about fifteen minutes there was knock on the door. 

Ashley stood up," I swear Barakat if that's you i will tear your head off." I laughed as he opened the door. "Oh, its you guys," he said. "Come in, I guess." He stood to the side as two men walked in. It was Zack and Rian. I stood up and ran to give Zack a hug. 

"Hey, Buffy," I whispered. He smiled as I pulled away and gave Rian a hug. I've always been closer to Zack than the Rian or Jack. 

"So what brings you guys here?" CC questioned.  

"Well, we were wondering if you guys wanted to go get some coffee or maybe some breakfast?" Rian explained. 

"I don't know, if Jack and Alex are going to be there its a definite no," Jinxx said. 

Rian shook his head,"Just me and Zack. We kind of just got into a fight with Alex and Jack so..." 

"Oh, well if its okay with everyone else I guess we'll go get some coffee," Jake said. 

"Yeah lets go! I could use some coffee. We would just have to get dressed. Come on Andy," I grabbed Andy's wrist and pulled him to the bunks. 

A/N: yes she forgives Zack and Rian. please dont hate cx 

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