Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

{Rozlynn's POV} 

When we got back to the buses, there was a lot of yelling by Jon and a lot of apologizing by the rest of us. Zack and I dropped the prizes i got in my bunk then he and Rian left. The buses could finally start leaving now that we were all here. We all took our showers and sat in the front room to watch TV. It was about 11:30 when i got a text from Zack. It said:

"Hey, can you and Andy come to our set tomorrow?? Rian and I really want you guys to come. Its at 3." 

"Hey, Andy?" I looked up at him. 

"Yes, babe?" He yawned. 

"Are we doing anything tomorrow at 3?" I looked at him hopefully. No matter how much i hated Alex and Jack, i really did love watching Rian and Zack play. 

"No i don't think so. Why?" I showed him the text. He sighed," Okay, but if the other two try anything i will snap their necks." I laughed. 

"Thank you, I love you Andy," I hugged him really quick and texted Zack that he would be there. A few minutes later, i got a text back. 

"Sweet!!! I remember how much you loved watching us play. We will make sure its the best damn show you have ever seen us play. Goodnight Rosie! Love you <3" I laughed at Zack enthusiasm and it ended up turning into a yawn. Andy stood up and began to carry me bridal style. 

"Andy? What the fuck are you doing?" He walked me back to the bunk area, pushed open the curtain on mine and put me in. The stuffed animals he won me were at the foot and head of the bunk. 

"Goodnight beautiful," he kissed my nose, closed the curtain and climbed into his own bunk. 

"Goodnight Andy," I whispered and drifted off to sleep. 

The next day

{Alex's POV} 

I couldn't wait for toady's show. I stole Zack's phone last night and texted Rozlynn asking her to come to the show. I was going to do something really special and only Jack knows about it. I really hope it works or else I'm doomed. 

{At the end of the set}

I saw Rozlynn and Andy standing side-stage the whole show. They didn't even acknowledge me or Jack. I didn't care. This last song was going to change everything. 

"Okay guys! Jack and I are going to play a song by Zack and Rian's good friends, Black Veil Brides," I looked over and Zack, Rian, Andy and Rozlynn looked confused while Jack went to go get his acoustic guitar. I ran to the opposite side of Andy and Rozlynn and gave the tech guy my guitar. He gave me my acoustic guitar while another guy brought two stools out to center stage for me and Jack. We got settled and everyone looked at us expectantly. 

I smiled," This song goes out to someone who i care about deeply. No matter how much that person hates me for what i did, i want them to know that i am sorry and i shouldn't have done what I did. This song is called The Mortician's Daughter. "  Jack and I started playing and then i started singing. 

" I open my lungs dear, 

I sing this song at funerals, no rush. 

These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush.

 A baby boy you've held so tightly, 

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