Chapter Six

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I fled when she realized I was standing on the other side of the street. It was a risk to see her, but the last time I saw her was when I killed someone dear to her. She must be pissed at me.

I don't even have a clue about where she's hiding now. What if the next time I see her, she's fighting against me and HYDRA. Last confirmed location HYDRA had of her was when she left the hospital after Fury's death. She must be in a highly secure area, HYDRA can't even locate her.

Even Captain America hasn't have contact with her since she left the hospital. She probably told a lie about staying with a friend, or moving all the way back to San Francisco or LA or wherever in California.

But how is she hiding? How did she know when the perfect time to flee was?

She seemed frozen when she saw me. As if she's seen a ghost- oh wait- I am a ghost. Natasha's stories must have gotten to her, how she blames me on why she can't wear bikinis anymore.

Matt is almost out of my sight, I'm almost blended in with the billboard behind me. She holds the ring necklace in her hand a bit, and she walks away, trying to avoid anyone's attention.

I can't lose sight of her, what if I don't find her again? What is HYDRA finds her before I do? I keep thinking of scenarios over and over through my head, but the only thing that I knew was better for her was that her life would be better without me interfering in it.


He disappeared again. Why is he always following me? Am I going to get assassinated by him? I hope not. I keep waking until what I think I saw in the corner of my eye was the back of a tall man in a green hood with black skinny jeans and Faye.

I didn't think our angelic Faye had a love interest. Just by the back you could tell he's hot.

But the Winter Soldier is hotter.

God, Matt what is wrong with you?!

By the look in Faye's diamond eyes, they must be having a deep conversation. The man gives a reassuring pat on her shoulder, and he walks off. It seems to have this bittersweet effect on Faye.

Her eyes looked pretty glossy as she tried to smile, just a tad bit. I couldn't stand her like this, so I walked up to her.

"Faye, what happened?"

She looked at the floor, trying not to let a tear spill out.

"He's gone... and I never forgave him," Faye says as she was in the verge of breaking down, holding a letter close to her chest.

I let her cry in my shoulder for a bit, I knew that who ever this guy back home and Faye had a huge sad backstory, but the effect of him dead is so powerful on Faye.

-skip the hour of crying-

"Well, Faye, I know how you love mint ice cream!" I say in a cheerful tone.

"Mint -sniffle- is -sniffle- green.." Faye says a bit weakly..." he use to wear green all the time?!"

Pepper, I need help giving girl advice here. I was never good with comforting words, wish I knew something to say. But what kind of person wears green all the time? Lol, Banner (well turns green), Slytherins, Christmas elves, Tinker Bell, Peter Pan and Loki.

We walked out of the ice cream shop with cookie dough and chocolate ice cream, no way am I having a Faith Delacour crying over mint ice cream, and sat at the corner of the street. I let the silence continue, because I knew she needed time to think and calm down a bit.

And I thought I was a wreck for having a crush on some guy who may or may not be planning in killing me. What am I saying, Matt get your priorities straight! Sure you might have a moment or two with him, but it's probably single sided!

She was deep in thought, and I was concentrated so much on my ice cream and the Winter Soldier (get yourself together Matt!!), I noticed that a red car drove passed us about five times in the past twenty minutes. The bloody hell, another assassination? I put on my hood and some shades to take a few glances at the car, but it was too far for me to see who was driving in it. Take note of that, could be another candidate for my killer. Seriously, what is the deal with people wanting me dead?

"Matt, we should probably go back," Faye says I her normal voice, "I'm kinda tired, oh and what's on your mind, besides the red car?"

My eyes widen when I look at Faye. "Come on, I know main parts of some parts of you fate, not every single details."

I stand up, my cheeks a bit pink, and follow Faye back 'home'. I'm pretty sure she should be a bit freaked out about the red car. She seems back to normal, but I can feel a smirk across her face.

"It's a guy, isn't it?"

LOL, kinda short useless chapter. I own nothing, all rights to Marvel. And I've got finals week, so it might take a while for another update.

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