Chapter Thirty Three

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I own nothing all rights to Marvel.

Most of the bases have been done with. HYDRA is almost done with itself.

No encounters with Matt's father since Bucky punched his face. If Matt got another glance at his face, who knows how deformed if might have ended up.

Bucky on the other hand, wanted to give something to Matt, but didn't know how he'd give it to her. So he kept it in a narrow horizontal box in his bag.

"Emma," Faye rang with Matt by her side, " we bought cookies!"

"Really? Couldn't you have brought something that would help with this winter?" Emma said, raising her eyebrow.

"I was suggesting ice cream," Matt adorably as she put the cookies on the table. "Like we could hear it up then drink it."

God, what did Howard's son do? Emma smiled to herself. Emma poured hot chocolate into three cups, topped with cinnamon, and a little bit of honey for her and Matt.

"How do you even drink that," Faye retorted as she bit into a chocolate chip cookie. "There's already chocolate and cinnamon."

"Because Faye," Emma said.

"It's honey, you just take it," Matt said getting whip cream on her face. "I think I should shave this for late."

"Faye, tell her to shave now," Emma laughed.

"But it's winter, Ms Stark," Faye said, "these soldiers should keep warm."

"Or adjust to different weather," Emma chimed, and a knock on the door came, causing Faye's expression to freeze. "Who the hell besides you two would visit me this late," Emma said as she headed to towards the door, "it might be Barnes with flowers for Matt here," she jingled as she rose her hand to open the doorknob.

Emma fluttered her eyes, and opened the door. The man who stood sturdy at the door wasn't James Buchanan Barnes. The standing before Emma was only a good few inches taller than her, brown eyes glossy and his pink lips slowly parting trying to talk.

"Emma..." he said with a slight accent, "I ..."

Before he could speak, Emma slammed the door shut.


How long before I get any sign of life? Bucky wondered. Yes, she's frequently moving (according to the computer) but why is the date on 1943?

Another box popped up, this time it wasn't a Trojan horse.

Enter Code, it said. It was an antivirus protection Tony Stark had put into her computer.

Shit, Bucky thought. He didn't have a clue to what the four digit code could be. Year they fished her out? Year Matt defrosted? Year she had been adopted? The list was endless.

Birthday? Then Bucky had the date 11-10 had just popped up in his mind.

Probably won't work, but that all I have, he thought. But it's worth a shot.

So he typed in 1110 slowly, and for once it didn't restart. A whole lot of old photos had been opened, files had appeared, and classified documents where now available. Where to start? Bucky thought. He clicked on the corner document from 1943, and it was quite a shocking image displayed on the bright screen.

It was a picture of Matt in the 40's, and apparently with a man.

A soldier.

A sergeant.

It was him.

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