Chapter Twenty-Two

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I own nothing all rights to Marvel.

So my writing pace is speeding up lately, I hope it keeps going like this.

Oh my gawd...870 views... I love your beautiful face looking on this screen


Bless those who can see these emojis~

~ unidentified masked man / 2014 ~

I haven't seen the winter soldier since out last encounter, which of course now, I'm on his personal list. Rumlow isn't being anymore of use to me, I've gotten all I needed. The only time he's actually been useful was when he sent me the surveillance footage of Matilda and 'Junior'. But since he knows that secret, I've got some work to do.

Most likely I will be unsuccessful at finding the dear soldier, so he's defiantly going to be keeping a close eye on me. If I can take some acts that make him think it would endanger Matilda, he will come to me, then the real game starts.

~ third / 1943 ~

Back in Emma's apartment, Faye was watching over the dear mother. She hasn't time travel in a while, but this time it's different. She'll make this one count.

Faye was making dinner, scolding Emma to relax.

"Labor isn't easier if you keep moving everywhere!" Faye yelled from the kitchen. "You don't want the baby coming out too soon."

But Faye already knew what was going to happen. Emma's daughter would be raise by another, but that person will treat the child as their own.

"Well, you aren't cooking any faster!" Emma yelled back, "I wonder what Matthew would do when he sees our dear girl."

"Only few could imagine," Faye replied. "The horror that will occur," she scoffed quietly to herself.

Alright, yes. Faye didn't just bring Matt back to the past because they faked her death. No, not just because in Faye's crystal ball, there where gaps in the past and Matt was meant to fill them. No, because Emma needed to see Matt, even for a short while.

"Alright, here you go," Faye said placing the food in front of Emma. "Easy on the salt. Don't want my god child eating all those carbs."

"Well, it is my child," Emma smirked, "Probably eats more than I do."

Faye just laughed. If only Emma knew how hilariously accurate she was.

"Emma..." Faye said as she noticed water on the floor, Emma following her gaze, her eyes widening.

"How the hell are we gonna get to the hospital?! Where's Howard!!" Emma shrieked.

"All right I'll get the phone, I'll get Matt, you call Howard !!!" Faye yelled, and ran through the door. She double checked to see of anyone was looking, then teleported to head quarters in her Private Delacour uniform.

She ran outside, and as she expected, she found Matt and Bucky, Bucky holding Matt closely to his chest.

"Ehem..." Faye said awkwardly breaking the moment, causing Matt to fix herself up.

"Emma's water broke, um, we kinda need to, assist," Faye says, Matt's eyes widening.

"Oh god, Bucky, I'll be back..." Matt said as Faye grabbed her wrist and burst into a run.

"Why is it you break into the moment now?!" Matt yells as Faye runs into an alley and teleports then to the apartment.

"Alright, she can barely open her eyes," Faye says as Emma is groaning in pain in her rocking hair, "so maybe teleporting would be fine..."

"Are you crazy?!" Matt said over Emma's groans, "Have you ever teleported with a pregnant woman in labor?!"

"Well, where I've come from, yes!" Faye says as she and Matt get a hold of Emma's wrist. Faye teleports them both to the from of a hospital, luckily no one there to witness Faye's powers.

"Alright, you get the legs," Faye started.

"Bloody hell, get a doctor!" Matt said. Howard simultaneously running out of the hospital building with a few doctors and nurse as well as a trolley. The doctors quickly put Emma on the trolley, and rush her inside, Faye, Howard, and Matt trailing behind them.

They waited in the lobby, Emma's scream unnoticeable (take note of sarcasm) from their seats. An hour past, then two, then three.

One more hour at most, Howard hoped.

Could I go another three hours with this, Matt doubted herself.

They'll hate me if I told them this lasts 12 hours, Faye said to herself.

Of course, Howard called Peggy telling he was with Faye and Matt, that they had some 'family' things to tend to. An empty bunk above him, Bucky was tossing and turning in his. He didn't get the memo that Matt wasn't going to be there tonight, Peggy was notified at midnight (fours hours into labor) and highly doubted Bucky would be up this late to wait for Matt.

Well she was wrong. Bucky couldn't sleep right, the other Commandos repeatedly telling Bucky to stay still or sleep outside tonight. No answer or note from Matt, so he climbed up and lay in her bunk. It was better than him in his bunk while she was gone, her bunk had her smell, making Bucky feel less lonely. No one noticed he moved, so Bucky tried to not wake anyone up. He held Matt's pillow to his chest, her conditioner left an aroma.

By eight in the morning, Emma's screams stopped. Matt's question could now be answer, is Emma her mother? Howard and Faye went ahead to Emma's room, Matt wasn't ready to find out. She knew her history well enough to know her mother's fate, her father was going to return her but learned that the mother had deceased.

"Emma, he's precious," Faye said.

"Looks kinda squishy," Howard said.

"Why can't you just compliment him like normal people do?" Emma said.

Matt was relieved, yet slightly disappointed. But at least Emma isn't going to face the same wretched fate her mother faced. Matt walked into the room, admiring Emma's newborn son.

"What are you going to name him?" Matt asked.

"Well, I haven't really thought of that yet," Emma confessed, "but hey, I've got sometime."

"Not really," Faye muttered low enough for only her to hear herself.

"Ms Stark," a nurse called as she walked in with another child, "here's you girl."

Matt froze. Twins? She's an only child. But who ever said that Emma was her mother?

"Aw, little Matilda Stark," Howard said.

"What?" Matt said, no one noticing how shocked her voice was.

"See, little Matilda," Matt winced, the baby peacefully in Howard's arms, wrapped in a navy blue floral blanket. "You're not the only one with that name."

"I guess not," Matt said, still in doubt.

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