Chapter Four

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I own nothing all rights to Marvel.


Fury. He's dead... he said not to trust anyone.

But what happened? Why are those his last words to us?

Natasha and Steve are in the hospital, and I couldn't stay in there any longer. I'm on a park bench, blankly staring at the ring necklace in my hand and a note Fury gave me but told me not to open.

He's dead, I think I should know what's in it now. There's no way Fury can tell me when the right time is, so here goes nothing.The blue paper says:

All of SHIELD's information about you has been hidden and erased out of their systems. The last mission I'm giving you is Junior America, an old friend of ours, Faith Delacour, will assist you. People's lived are in danger, Matt. Keep the one behind America Junior a secret, no one must know who your identity.

Junior America? Why is that on the folded note? America Junior was just a joke Fury, Coulson, and I had, I didn't actually think they were serious.

I look up at the sky, feeling my eyes glassy. I don't even know how I managed to look reasonably 'cute' today, black combat boots, leggings, a short brown dress with flowers on the design, my redish coat on.

What the hell, Junior America is a pretend sidekick we made up, now an actual mission. How on earth am I going to find Faith Delacour, I haven't seen her since she graduated high school five years ago. And what does Faith have anything do to with this?

I got up at walked to a Starbucks, I can't mop around in the park forever, if Tony Stark super fans find me, they might want his autograph.

As I about to open the door, by the corner of my eye, something just hid behind the corner.

Is it him? Natasha said, the 'Winter Soldier'. I walk over to the corner, find nothing as usual. I walked back and went inside of Starbucks, just a green tea frap and a cake pop, I really would like some comfort food right now.

I walked out, caught a few people's attention, but it wasn't like it was anything special.

I was walking by Pizza Hut and a little girl with adorable curls waved at me in her Iron Man gloves. Made my day better, just remembered that I don't have dad to cry on. I have a little smile to the little girl, I'm surprised one of his fans recognized me.

I walked past the ally where I first encountered the 'Winter Soldier', and felt empty. He doesn't scare me, it's just that I felt frozen around him, like something is familiar about him.

My feels are coming in. If there are any left.

How the hell am I still in one piece, Fury got rid(or hid) of my files. I don't even know if these are all my powers.

Yes, a dragon breath and turning into a dog and bear, but I was pretty sure HYDRA put in more side effects on that. Couldn't they given me more than just turning into a dog and sneezing out fire. I mean, I am pretty swift, must I say.

I was walking aimlessly until I realized something has been watching me since Starbucks. I feel a little itchy about who it is, so I walk rapidly a block a way and into the nearest corner.

My breath is heavy and I'm trying to cool down, but my poor cup is empty, and the cake pop is squashed. when I finally catch my breath, I turn around and a door I haven't noticed before is there.

It's a familiar silvery diamond color , so comforting yet I feel like there's something more to it.

"I was wondering how much longer it would take you, well I already knew, I just didn't think it would feel this long."

I turn around and find a tall blond girl with long straight hair and eyes matching the door. In her lavender colored dress and lovely black shoes.

Faith 'Faye' Delacour.

"It's been awhile Matt." she smiled at me.

"Faye? Is it really you?" I say.

"How is this-" I point at the door"and you-and"

"The little girl with the iron man gloves, how did you not take note of her? Don't you remember what I like when we looked our presumed age?" She laughs. Faith is so angelic, but how did she find me?

"That was.." I point weakly at her, and she nods in reply.

"I guess now is the time to tell you, did you ever watch Once Upon A Time? You can say I'm a bit like Regina?" She smiles.

"How did you find me?"

"My name, Faith sounds like fate. Well, you see, I time travel incase I can't remember the fates I need to make or ...fix?" She smiles awkwardly.

" you have fire?"

"Nope, but I know you do." She smiles at me, "and I can feel the potential."

"Potential of sneezing it out at the wrong times." I say weakly.

"That's why I'm here," Faye says, "you're going to be my Jedi."

I'm so confused. She telepathic, I'm ...well fire and dog-bear. Is she going to turn me into a fire bender or crap, cause being avatar sounds better than Junior America.

"But you don't have fire."

"I don't need fire to teach you, Matty. "

"Can we not go with Matty," I whined.

Junior AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now