Chapter 11- Should've Known

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Jennifer's POV

Right after the car stopped in front of Gino's house, I frantically get myself out of the car, my mind was blocked and couldn't think clearly. I even forgot to glance at Leah so before I could even reach the door handle of the car, I felt Leah'a hand on mine. For some ods reasons, it made me calm. "Wait!" She said, I sigh and look at her, waiting for her to say something. "Do you want me to go with you?" I felt my heart beats faster than before, I looked down again, now at her hand holding mine. Too scared and anxious to talk, I shook my head no instead. "Bye Leah" I muttered and finally getting out.

I went straight inside the house, my hands are sweating. I should've stayed with Leah. A moment of doubt swept over me. Knowing I'll end up getting beaten again. "Gino?" I called out hesitantly. I looked around the house but the next thing I know there's someone behind me, pulling me close and slamming me hard against the wall. I felt a cold hand gripping on my neck. "Where were you little slut?!" He yells at my face, still choking me. I look down and try to hold on to something but his grip on me was too forceful. "Stop please" I managed to mutter.

"I-I just went to the store" I said, slurring on my words with struggle.

But Gino, he's in love with the power of beating me. He would do it over and over again. Sometimes, I think he's not on his right mind to do all these things to me. A thought that he's sick crossed my mind many times and I just couldn't fit the puzzle.

He then let go of me and I slid down the floor, gasping, coughing and catching my breath. I had tears in my eyes and my whole body is just trembling. I felt so weak like I couldn't do anything to protect myself. I'm so mad at myself for being like that, for letting him hurt me endless times.

As time passed, I came to believe that Gino beats me only when he is at the peak of his love for me. I didn't know how to respond to getting beaten up by him for the first time. I still remember the fear in my heart at that time. Truly terrifying.

Between sniffles, I ready myself for it to start again. It does, and I am met once again with a swift kick to the stomach. He is either very bad at aiming her kicks cause it went down on my bladder.

Gino's standing in front of me, he was furious while me? I'm hugging myself into the corner hoping everything around me disappear.

My mind begins screaming: "WHAT DO I DO?"

I make a pathetic attempt at kicking him, which visually was similar to a wimpy dog poking a hermit crab and then jumping the fuck away when it twitches menacingly. This goes on for several seconds until he kicks me in the stomach again.

I curl into a ball and am inconsolable. I make a sound almost as bad of being murdered.

"BULLSHIT!" He was pulling on his hair like a lunatic, he's out of his mind. The person I'm looking right now is not the person that I married. Next thing he did is grabbed me by my arm, slammed me against the cold wall again. "YOU FUCKER!" Both of his hand travelled on my shoulders , forcing me to look at him. "You think I'm stupid?! YOU WENT WITH LEAH! YOU dumb bitch!" He yelled, he was so livid that he kneeled me on my stomach.

I wanted to scream for help. Believe me, if there's one thing I could do right now is scream. But I couldn't. I was too in pain. "You clever girl--Is that why you wanted to be friends with her? She works for the FBI doesn't she? You were gonna turn me in!! You're worthless Jennifer!!--- you hear me?! You don't deserve to be loved! I made a mistake marrying you bitch!"

Each word got stuck in my head like I was being stabbed non-stop. I was practically bawling and screaming for my life right now. He got even mad now that I'm fighting. He chocked me once again, this time it was a deadly grip. He was killing me. I felt every nerve in my body tense up, I'm gonna die. "N-no-- that's not--- stop!!" He ain't stopping and just kept going, his other hand pulling at my hair tightly. My vision is so blurry.

With no longer fight left in me, I soon felt myself losing conscience. I knew at that moment I wouldn't last long.

The next thing I know I heard the front door busted open, and someone's voice yelling. Gino's grip loosen and I tried my best to open my eyes. "You son of a bitch!!!" I heard sounds of beating, things destroying. I don't know what's happening around me.

Then slowly, I tried opening my eyes. And I saw..Leah? "You son of a bitch!!!" Leah grunts, punching him in the face over and over again. She's holding Gino against his collar and kept shoving her fist against his bloody face. Leah is so mad, her eyes is filled with anger. Ive never seen her like this.

With all the strength left in me, I managed to get up from the cold marbled floor. Pulling myself up, "Leah- stop t-that's enough" I coughed, my legs are weak, shaking, I think I got blood on me everywhere. "You're under arrest for--" Before she could even finish what she's about to say I cut her off. I don't think I can do that to him despite of everything.

I just- I can't.

Leah stopped and turn to looked at me, frowning, narrowing her eyes. She got handcuff ready on her hands, about to put it on Gino, but I looked at her intently, "Please" I whispered, my eyes tearing up, I have tears on my cheeks right now and I bet I looked bad and all bruised up.

She let out a sigh and let go of Gino. He's unconscious judging how it looks to me. I collapsed on the floor. I felt Leah's hand on mine, "God- Jennifer! I knew it- I FUCKING KNEW IT!" She let out, putting her palm on her face. "I should've known" she muttered. I couldn't even open my eyes at this point. "Let's get you out of here"
I felt my self being lifted into someone's arms.

A huge weight that I've been keeping for this long disappeared into the dust.

"You're safe now"

I felt soft lips pressing against my forehead before passing out completely.

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