Chapter 13- All It Takes

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Jennifer's POV

I stared up at the darkened ceiling, my eyes open, the dream still remaining with me. My mind started reminiscing the past few years of my life. How I ended up being here in Leah's guest room. Until now, everything feels surreal to me. Actually I felt really glad when she offered me a place to stay in for a while, very relieved. At least it gave me a few days to decide where to start. Gino though, I don't know. I'm forcing myself not to care anymore, I'm trying to make myself believe that what happened will led into a good thing, because after all that's what I need right now, hope.

But the harder I try not to think about it, the more hurt I become. I survived, I'm alive. To be honest, the thought of Gino would hurt me to the point I'm gasping for my last breath never crossed my mind. I like to think that he'd change. That he'd come back but that's the thing, I've been hurt for so long, longer than I could ever imagine.

It took time to see how scared I was, to realise how my sense of self had disappeared. The shame was awful. I lost my self from "stress"; and worse, I lost my confidence. I was financially independent, utterly confused.

"Why doesn't she just leave?" is an ignorant question.

That's why I even begged Leah not to tell our friends about it because I know harsh words will be thrown at me, people don't care, they never do, they only care to judge. But I don't think that's possible, the news will slip right away, that's how it works, sadly.

Out of nowhere, A soft knock tickled the tall wooden doors causing me to jump a little. It made a little creaking sound as it opened, seeing Leah peaking her head in before coming inside the four cornered guest room. She's holding up a small tray, filled with food, carefully putting it down in the nightstand by the bed. "You have to eat and drink your meds" she said simply, still not looking at me.

As you can say, we have an awkward silence hovering over the whole place. I guess she's still mad but I don't know what to say or do to make everything okay. I don't know what she's thinking and tell me that's not in a way intimidating.

"Leah" I said hoping she'd answer me. And surprisingly she did. She cocked her brow at me, "Can we talk?" I asked with a bit of hesitation. She let out a sigh and sit on the bed. "Talk" oh okay. "Look- I'm sorry okay? I-I..fuck I don't know why I'm sorry I just am" Seriously though, I really don't. I don't get why she cares so much, sure she's a friend but not everyone would react the way Leah did.

Her eyes looked mine for a couple of seconds, then returning her gaze in her lap. "You have nothing to say sorry for, I'm the one who's sorry. For snapping at you, I-I was so mad. You have no idea" She shakes her head, shifting to look up at the high ceiling. "He was my friend--- now he's nothing but an animal" she said, gritting every word through her teeth.

"It's fine" I said, "But Leah, I can't stay here" I continued. "Please tell me you're not going back to that damn house" she exclaimed, "I won't. I won't. I will find a new place" I said simply, "That's not gonna happen" My eyes widened and brows started to furrowed after she said that. "What? Why?" "Cause I know Gino has all the money. You'll stay here, got it?" "I can't. I'm imposing someone's life, that's too much"

"You aren't at all. Just please? At least here, I know you're safe" I bite my cheek and sighed. "Look-- I know that you're not ready to talk about everything yet, heck I don't even know if you trust me but all I know that at some point, you're gonna have to tell someone about it. Not all things should be kept. Not all things shall be shouldered all by yourself-I'm not the enemy here. So please, don't try to get back him. I don't know anything about your relationship with him but at least do your safe a little favor, leave him" All of she's saying has a good point and actually, she is right.

I find it so odd that when someone's giving you an advice you felt it, real deep. It hit you hard. But when I was just by myself, I was the only one who's giving me one, telling myself how or what to do. I was used to be independent for myself but now that it's coming from someone other than yourself, you feel important in a way.

It's like she's giving me courage to do what has to be done. What I should've done a long time ago.

"You're not alone now okay?" She said and that's when the waterworks starts peaking. No one ever told me that before. All my life, I was used for being thrown at harsh words,I think I've heard every insulting word Gino has to say. I felt her hands on mine, and I looked up, tears running down now on my red face. Her thumb swipes gently onto my cheek. She then came closer to hug me and I just completely lose it. I started crying.

I needed someone. I needed someone to tell me I'm gonna be okay. I needed someone to wake me up from my deep slumber.

And that's all it takes to make me realize.

Leah's POV

There's a lot of things I wish. Wishes that does not even for myself but for her. I wish I could put her world up on my shoulder to lessen her pain she must be feeling. This woman went through hell for a long time and she doesnt even deserved it. I could feel her pain when I hugged her, how a load from her chest has been lifted when all she needed was someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on.

A little while later, she's still crying a little bit. "Look, you're gonna be fine. You don't need him to start a life. You'll get everything figure out. A job, money everything. I'm gonna help you, okay? I know this is a lot to take in but I assure you, things will change." I said and rubbed her back. She didn't even speak instead she just nodded. Soon after, she calmed down as her tears dried and turn into little sniffles. My shirt is soaked but I don't mind.

Honestly, she don't have to tell me a thing or explain what she went through. That's not necessary and for someone who's been dealing with that kind of pain for so long is no joke. Her eyes speak for itself. I could feel it. I could see it but I don't know how it feels to be on her shoe.

A little while later, I felt her become a bit heavy. "Jennifer?" I whispered, turning her head a bit to see her eyes closed, her thick eyelashes are wet from crying. I tucked her hair behind her ear and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She fell asleep with her leaning on me. I gently lay her back down on the bed and covered her up with duvet sheets.

This girl got my heart tied in a chokehold but I can't.

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