Chapter 15- Violation

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Leah's POV

"Where are you taking me? Leah, I have a job interview today! I cannot miss it!" Jennifer won't stop talking for about a minute now, she just keep on blabbering things which I find really hilarious. The look in her face, you should see it. The smile that is plastered in my face didn't leave until we reached out destination. We're in a wide abandoned place, very spacious. You can hardly see houses, just tall grass and the bright skies. "Where are we?? You're making me anxious. I swear to god" she exhaled, looking around through the small car window beside her. I roll it over and if her eyebrows was furrowed before, it was more evident now. I opened the door and get out of the car, walking around in the opposite of the drivers seat, which is the passengers seat where Jennifer is seated. I then opened her door and she stared at me confusingly, she just made this what face. "Get out" I said, She shakes her head and starts complaining again. "What are you up to? Leah I told you maybe we can do this some other time? I need to go to that interview! I waited for that for days" She frantically said. "Get out" I repeated, not having the energy to explain everything to her. She complied surprisingly, but the scrunch between her forehead never leave her face. "Now what?" She breathed, crossing her arms, observing the whole place around her by shifting her head from side to side. "Get in the driver's seat" Now she gave me this seriously look. "Just do it" "I don't feel good about this" she whispered but then obeyed. Haha.

We both got inside the car as Jennifer dont have a word slipped in her mouth so far. "Drive." I said simply, she did what I said. And Now we're at the normal speed but it's no fun. "Now faster" Her gaze immediately went back to me and has this shocked looked. "Leah!" She exclaimed. "You said you wanted to drive a car in a full speed, So do what I say. Faster" she looked at me worriedly and bit her lip. "I hate you" she whispered and accelerated her speed, pressing onto the gas. The tires squeaking against the ground. "Oh my god" she gasps, her head shifting to the meter then back on the road. "Leah, I can't!" She said, obviously wanting to stop. "Jennifer, this is what you call fun. I'm letting you do this and I'm a damn cop, at least feel privelaged!" I tease. "Fuck yeah" I yelled through the windows since its pulled down, the fresh air running into our faces, my hair was all messy, the thin dust all over the place but hence, It's fun. Soon enough, Jennifer started laughing hard. I didn't even had to tell her to go faster, she accelerated her speed even faster and now finally onto the full speed.

The brake pedal was really hard with extremely little travel so it was tricky to get the car off the line but she did it, a shuddering start with a couple of hickups but she managed not to stall and that was a relief. Then it was pretty straightforward, leaving the pitlane at a meager speed but she could feel the engine behind her clamoring for that accelerator pedal. "Fuuuuckk!!" She yelled, laughing as her nose started scrunching up, her gums showing. My favorite things.

I'd do anything to see that smile even violating the law.

"Oh my God. Leah! We're so faaaast. Fuck fuck fuck"

I laugh everytime she curse. It's honestly hilarious cause she looks so naive.

"Oh shit. Oh shit. Leah!-----"


And we hit a goddamn tree, very nice.

It all went so fast, I look away for a second, and the last thing I remember was the car going against the fucking tree. But nothing major, we were both fine. "Shit oh my god. Leah" Jennifer gasps as dust in the air clouded all over the place. "Fuck I'm sorry! See we shouldn't have done this. I'll pay for everything----" "Jen will you just shut up, it's just the bumper, the cars fine, are you?"

"Yeah but I feel bad" she put her palm on her face. "Yeah but we had fun, yeah?" I tease, "So much. Sorry I had to crash your car" she laughed.

The screams of more sirens started up in the distance and made their way to us as we saw it in the side mirror, lights were flashing. And It wasn't long before Jennifer started freaking out. So decided to take matters in my own hands since I drag her into this. "Stay here" I told her as I wore my sunglasses, blowing my hair out of my face. "But-" "I said, stay" she went silent and I finally get out of the car, welcoming the police who stopped right before mine. I flash my badge immediately, and raise my hands up..

"Chill out, officer. Leah Remini, FBI. And I'm with the girl. I got this under control" I say, pointing to Jennifer who is clearly watching through the mirror. A guy in a uniform steps out the vehicle, there's two of them actually. He comes forward with his hands on my pockets. "Good morning, Detective. May I ask why you were inside a car driving above the minimum speed limit?" He questions, looking all bossy and has this smug in his face. What he said woke up the beast.

"Excuse me? Are you questioning my authority here?" I shot back, raising my brows. He gets quiet for a minute which is expected. I maybe wrong and broke some laws but that never changes the fact that my rank is higher than him. Disrespectful son of a bitch.

"I'm sorry detective. Just doing my job here" he shrugged his shoulders, "Likewise" I said, he finally backed off and went inside his car. Before I can get back inside the car he drove off. Jennifer looked at me and started to laugh, I looked at her and made a face, obviously confused. "What?!" "Detective Gemini got caught" she teases, then giggled.

I leaned closer to her causing her to stop giggling, her attention was on me, she stared at me in the eye before I whispered, "Remember this, Jennifer" I paused, loving how close I am to her.

"No one gets passed me, no one"

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