Chapter 26- Gab

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Jennifer's POV

It is with a heavy heart that I woke up today. Feeling blank, difficulty in breathing and I am anxious and reasons are many. My life feels so empty that drama easily takes strong control over it. Reality is harsh, cruel, and suffocating. I am smothering in a dark black hole. Well yeah, as one could imagine, it is deep but that's how I feel describing it, that's how it makes me feel. My heart seems like dried roses and it's one of those days where you feel like crying and crying and crying. In conclusion, I called in sick today, wasn't in the mood to deal with anybody but Leah, she has got to talk to me. I am fixing this.

But she said one week, I have to be sure. I gathered my thoughts and think of something, who to reach or where to go because I have none. After contemplating for it seems eternity, I happen to scroll through my phone contacts and spot a name that might help me with, but I hadn't talked to this person in ages.

It's Gab, my older brother. Yep, I have one. Secretive is what I've been when it comes to family, because It didn't end up in good terms. There's just some things that involved into a huge argument. I am in a unique situation where, a have a mom but not a real one. I was an orphan before my mom, Stella adopted me as her child, Gab was her real son and older than me for about 4 years.

She got pregnant with Gab at early age so she had to stop Art School and work for a small orphanage nearby her town instead. That's how she found me. Gab hasn't met her father yet so we grew up having each other's back until one day, I found something strange about Stella and I didn't like it nor accepted first. I can still remember the day I found about it, I was so mad. I stormed out of the house with my bags, they were all trying to stop me. And that's the last time I saw her, I don't even know if she's alive. The last time Gab and i had a conversation over phone is when I was still in the beginning of my marriage with Gino. We met a couple of times but that's it. That's why I loved him, Gino, he made me feel loved when I felt like no one does. I terminated my relationship with them and slowly, it's all hitting me that I am partly wrong.

Maybe this is the right time to call him? Or I think leaving a message is a much better idea considering it's quarter to six in the morning. Sliding my finger across my phone and sent a message to Gab. Eeh, I don't really know what to say. What if he doesn't respond? "Hey Gab :)" You know how risky sending an unsure message and you'll be waiting for like a what, an hour. Ugh, thinking about it gives me anxiety.

Fixing the bed as I get up and tying my hair into a messy bun after. Leah's probably not up, so I decided why not cook breakfast maybe it will make things a little bit cooler between us since evidently, it got a little heated last night. But I understand why she got mad at me but she wouldn't understand even If I explain it to her. I don't hate her for being just reminds me of..someone close to me.
And the fact that I've been lied to, oh c'mon, you think I didn't notice her looking at my ass all the time? At firat, I didn't think it was an issue so I let it pass but after knowing she's gay, It all started making sense to me. Why would she lie about liking me though? Ahh, right. It's awkward, well that explains it.

I'm a little bit upset for what she said last night, it did hurt...a lot. But it's my fault, so I take the blame. Going back, digging through Leah's fridge to find something, luckily there's a couple of bacons, eggs and hashbrowns left. I remember she likes her eggs scrambled with a little bit of pepper and onions so that's what I exactly did. In the midst of cooking ny phone rings, I turn off the stove and I curiously pick up my phone to see Gab, calling me. Early at this morning?, wow. Well he probably have work now. But i can feel the sweat on my forehead drip on my brows as i pick it up. This is the first time in a long time I'm having a conversation with my brother, fuck. The nerve i have right now. With shaky hands, i slide my finger across the screen and answered it.

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