Chapter 14- Lil' Fun

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Leah's POV

"You know as soon as you put him in jail he's just gonna bail out using his damn money and get away with it" Tess says, filing her long sharp pointed nails, squinting her eyes a bit as I was just eating the apple pie she just served in front of me, well I wasn't eating just blankly staring. "I know that" I let out a deep sigh, playing with my food. "That's why I haven't arrested him cause I don't want him to get away with it just like that. He has to pay. And he will" I grit through teeth, "Unless Jennifer file a case or better yet a restraining order then you're all good" "She's so stubborn. She even begged me not to arrest him, it's like she's asking me to just pretend I didn't happen. I'm gonna have to have a big talk with her to convince her, she'll have to" Tess looked at me and shakes her head. "You care so much for a girl" she muttered, blowing her fingernails. "She don't have anyone. Of course I do, I'm her friend" Lies. Lies. Lies. Ugh why do this have to be this hard. If she wasn't this perfect it'd be much easier. "Mhmm.." "Whatevs"

"We'll keep an eye on him, Lee. We got the police yards away from his house. Calm the fuck down" She exclaimed, "Sure the news have spread out. Loren even started texting me, asking me questions and stuff" "Tell them already so that they would know how of a bastard Gino is" "No need. Now my friends texting me nonstop asking where or how Jennifer is but of course, I'll wait for things to cool down before I start to give a comment"

"How is Jennifer's doing though?" She put a cup of coffee in front of me and looked at my plate, seemingly not surprised. Shaking her head, "Good. She can move little by little" "That must be hard. Her room next to you" she says in a teasing tone, I swear Tess is so annoying. She seriously won't stop. "I swear to god--" "Do you touch yourself at night? Imagining things-" My mouth drops in a snap, "TESS!! What the fuck?" She started running away, slamming the door behind her of my office.

But yeah, she's not wrong.

Jennifer's POV

It's been almost two weeks since I've been staying over Leah's house. My wounds are slowly healing, although it takes time for me to completely move properly. I still have some trouble with movements but I can do simple ones now, thank God. I don't wanna be much burden to her, being here is enough.

To be honest, I haven't seen or talk to Leah with more than an hour. Or when I do, she's tired from work at night time. Maybe that's better, to avoid awkward conversation. God, after that night. I was bawling all over Leah. I am mortified. Wanna slap myself for doing that. I guess, she triggered everything. Enough to make me realize that I have to move on from him. I know if we ever dig in talking for more than 30 minutes, things will escalade quickly and soon will turn into asking me about Gino. Speaking of the devil, I don't know. I really don't. He must be in jail or something, I try not to care anymore. For my own good. He can go fuck off. Leah's right, I have to live with or without him.

It was lunch when I decided to cook something to eat and also for Leah. At least I have something to do. Shuffling through different drawers and cuoboards, I finally found what I needed. She doesn't have much groceries left so I try to make something from a little that I have. Maybe pasta will work.

After almost an hour, I was finally done. Luckily she has meatballs in her freezer. Out of the blue, I hear the door creak causing me to jump a little. I turn around and see Leah in her uniform, looking good as always. I let out a chuckle and wipe a thread of sweat in my brows. She saw me and smiled, walking towards the kitchen. "Hi, You're home early" I said, "Mhmm..yeah. Tess forced me to go home and check up on you and what are you doing up? You're still not okay" she said, putting her hands on her hips. "Uhh I was starving so I cooked, I hope you don't mind" I giggled, and bite my cheek. She looks at me like I'm funny. "Of course not silly, It's just you're not supposed to have major movements" she gets a bowl for her self and put some pasta on it, sitting beside me on a dinning table.

She swirls her pasta then took a bite, making a thinking face. "You're making me nervous!" I squealed, scrunching up my nose, waiting for her response. She swallowed it before speaking. "Im kidding. It's good, like really" she winks, eating up some more. "So, what's my deadline? How long am I staying?" I asked, cause I don't wanna be here and be such a baby. I wanna do something. I wanna fix my life but honestly, I don't have any idea how am I gonna do that. "I'm not gonna kick you out, Jen. I told you, I'm here to help with whatever you need. So just take your time and plus, look at you. You can nearly move a bone!" She said sarcastically. "I'm gonna find a job and a place to live in soon, I swear. And I'll pay you back" "I won't take anything" "Leah!" I shot back. "I'm serious" she said. I sigh and shake my head. "You're crazy!"

"Hey" she calls out, after a long pause, we were just finishing out last bites of pasta. "Mhm?" "How are you? Oh shit, that's stupid but yeah can't think of anything to ask you" Fuck. Not that question. Honestly? Of course I'm still not okay. I'm adjusting, a huge part of me was gone. So yeah, I'm not so fine. "I'm good. Still breathing" I joked, hoping she'd stop by that. "No you aren't" she shot back. My brows furrowed, not knowing to reply. It's just not a good topic for me. I mean, how can I move on if we keep talking about it. "Excuse me?" "You're good at lying, aren't you?" She smirked, "of course you're not over him and won't be over soon, until you do something about it" Now, I'm more confused. "What do you mean?" I asked, she just gave me a grin, her chin resting in her palm, smiling at me. "Tell me 5 things you haven't done in your life that you'd like to do someday" "what?" "Just do it!"

"Well, I like to help orphanage, pet a penguin-" Leah started laughing really hard at the mid of my sentence. "Jen, not those stuff, like give me the fun ones" she said. I rolled my eyes and try to think of something, "But those are fun. You're so mean" "Yeah yeah yeah, so fun Jen. A penguin? Seriously?"

"Alright, alright, jeez. Uhh..okay. Well...I-I haven't had the chance to get drunk-" Leah cuts me off immediately. "WHAT?" She widened her eyes at me, I laugh how funny her reaction is. "Are you fucking serious?! You gotta be kiddin" "you didn't let me finish" I tease, "Damn, okay firecracker" "Mhm..okay. Drive a car in a high speed chase..uhm...Drive jump off a cliff, cut my hair short and Shout "In Your Face!" to someone and mean it for reals" I can't believe I just said all of that, and by the way those are good. It looks like I haven't really living my life all along.

"Now we're talking" she smirked, biting onto her lower lip. "I'm impressed, Jennifer." "Shut up" I laughed, and she laughed even harder. "What now?!" I shot back, "You're so damn naive" she teases, okay this woman is mean. "Ha ha, so funny" "But seriously though, I'm not gonna let you be all sad about it and drag yourself forever. Ready for a little fun?" she cocked her brow, "No" "Oh c'mon!" "Not when I'm crippled" I laughed, "Oh-"

"I'mma gonna get you drunk"

"As if I'm gonna let you that happen" I sass back.

"Try me" She winks, biting her lip.

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