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"Don't you dare touch them." My father, Petty Officer Knight, yelled at the Hispanic man. Blood was dripping on the hardwood floor from his split lip and nose "I warned you, I told you specifically what would happen if you broke your agreement." The man pronounced every word carefully and quietly, a hint of Mexican accent noticeable in his voice.

My mother scooped me up into her arms and I rested my head on her chest, my tears soaking into her blouse. "Close your eyes munchkin." My mother whispered, emotion thick in her voice as she buried her head into my shoulder as she hugged me tighter. A single gunshot rang through the small room, my mother screamed in horror and sadness and I cried more, the noise of the shot hurting my small ears. "Mama?" I asked, peeking through my wet lashes at her grief stricken face. "Shhhhh." She consoled "keep your eyes shut." I done as I was told.

Heavy footprints echoed on the hardwood floor "drop the child." He ordered "you son of a bitch." She whispered, her voice hoarse. "Or not." He added, sliding the bullet into the chamber with a click. My mother pressed her lips to my head "me and Dede love you so much-" I felt a burning sensation along the side of neck and my mother let out a choked noise. We both fell to the floor as another shot was fired, I buried my face into her chest, hoping to find the reassuring heartbeat the was always there.


"Kate, how long?" I asked, my phone cradled between my shoulder and head "five minutes, Boss." She replied as I made the turn off of the highway. "Okay, see you there." I told her, ending the call and tossing my phone on the passenger seat. Petty Officer Knight was in serious danger from the remains of the Reynosa Cartel, his twin brother- also a Petty Officer- had already been murdered by a hit known to work with the Reynosa's and once we pinged the hit's phone near his residence we knew his next target. I pulled up outside the house, a typical 'white picket fence' look in a quiet neighbourhood, DiNozzo and Kate moments behind me.

A gunshot ricocheted through the quiet evening air, I drew my Sig Sauer and rushed down to the front door in a crouch, as I reached the door another shot was fired. I raised my foot and forced it into the door, it swung open and we all ran in, I fired two shots at the man which landed in his chest and he collapsed to the ground. I stepped into the living room, Lucas Knight was stripped to the waist with only his dog-tags, a bullet in the head. Standard execution. Tia Knight lay strewn on the bloody floor, a wound in her chest, I held two fingers to her neck and sighed, dead, also. I heard the faint shouts of "clear" as Kate and DiNozzo travelled throughout the upstairs area of the house.

I turned and saw the little girl holding onto her mother for dear life.

"Hey." I whispered, shaking her slightly.

She jumped and her eyes shot open, fear was visible on her face as she scuttled backwards, hitting her back against the bookcase in the process.

"W-who are you?" She stuttered.

"I'm Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS." I told her, she seemed to relax a little

"Gibba? That a funny name." She giggled at the nickname she appointed, I smirked slightly and nodded at the small child.

"I need you to come somewhere with me..." I trailed off, I didn't know her name.


"Azalea I need you to come somewhere with me."

"But Mama and Dede might not want me to go." Azalea replied, glancing at her mother.

"Azalea they are going to need some rest, so they called me, okay?" I asked, she nodded and walked over to me, climbing into my lap "if Mama and Dede said so." She mumbled as I lifted her up.

The Life Of The Daughter Of NCISWhere stories live. Discover now