Chapter 28: Questions

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"What are we doing here?" I demanded, looking up at the large building that hung over us. Dad turned off the car and faced me, he looked kind of sorry "I need you to answer some questions." Dad informed me, I glanced out the car window and closed my eyes, "Azzie?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, and nodded while wiping my eyes "I can do this." I assured.

Whom I was assuring, I wasn't sure.

A heavy veil of grief hung over the bullpen, there was only Tony standing in the pen, staring at the desk opposite his own.

Dad cleared his throat, and his head snapped towards us, "you okay, DiNozzo?" Tony smiled, it was obvious he was having a private grieving session, "yeah Boss. McGee is coming in late today, something to do with Sarah." I looked over at the empty desk, a lonely, single Israeli flag poking out the top of her pencil pot. "I thought you'd want to get the questions over before everyone else came back in." Tony said, pressing the enter key, I felt eyes on me, I dropped my head and stared intensely at my hands.

"I'm ready." I told them after a while, Dad smiled reassuringly before heading to the interrogation rooms.

DiNozzo was waiting outside when I eventually pulled up enough courage to leave the desk.

My palms were sweaty and hands were shaking so hard I couldn't get a grip on my crutches.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked, I nodded, "I... just need... a... minute." I told him, closing my eyes and leaning forward. "Tony can you tell Dad that I don't want him to do the interview." I said, straightening up "I would rather have another agent do it." He smiled before disappearing into the small room, I leant against the wall, and tapped my foot against the floor.

The door opened again and my dad stepped out, I pushed myself off the wall and hobbled into Interrogation. I glanced around the dingy room. It held a creepy impression.

"Sorry about this, the interview room was taken." DiNozzo explained, opening the file in front of him, "it's okay, nothing I like more than a gloomy box to sit in." I realised how snarky I sounded "sorry." I apologised, Tony smiled and clicked his pen "that's fine, nice to see you getting your sense of humour back."

I glanced at the walls, before letting my eyes rest on the two-way mirror behind his head. "Is Dad in there?" I asked, Tony nodded "him and the IT guy." I looked away "can he leave? I really don't want him to hear this." The sound of the door was almost inaudible through the soundproof walls. "Azalea can you tell me what happened on the fourth of August." taking a deep breath "for the entire day I was at NCIS, mainly in the bullpen, watching Netflix and doing homework. In the evening I went home with my dad, we both got changed for dinner at Sushi Capitol with the rest of the team. I rode with Ziva while Dad went to get Ducky from his house." Tony leant down and grabbed a water bottle, he cracked the cap and passed it to me. I took it gratefully.

"After dinner everyone but me and my dad had left, he was waiting for my security detail to pick me up and take me home. I went to the bathroom, there was one woman in their. After I had finished I walked out, there were three men, all around six foot, wearing white balaclavas or masks. I got past two when another grabbed me at the door, I was taken out via the fire exit, I managed to get away from the guy who was holding me when we were crossing."

I paused to take a sip of my drink.

"When I was running towards the restaurant someone shot my ankle. After that everything was a bit hazy. I remember being put in a van, a person shot at it, they- the captors- broke my phone and took my penknife."

DiNozzo smiled supportively, "you're really doing great Az." I nodded, gulping some more water, anything for a distraction "what about your time in Mexico, can you talk about that?" Tony questioned tentatively.

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