Chapter 35: Happiest Place On Earth

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I pulled my knees up to chest, resting my chin on my knee caps as I scanned the passing scenery for the top of the castle.

Excitement had seized me and my whole body was wiggling, I had embraced my inner child, and had my Minnie Mouse ears already perched on my head.

"Can we go to Animal Kingdom as soon as we get their?" Dad smirked as he sipped out of his gas-station coffee cup, he indicated into the right hand lane.

"Is this the Disney exit? Are we going in now?" I quizzed as I wriggled in my seat.

Dad chuckled and shook his head "calm down, we've still got at least ten minutes." I huffed, knocking my ears slightly askew as I rested my head against the window.

Finally, Dad exited the highway, I sat up straighter, and the smile appeared once again. "Is this the exit?" I quizzed as we joined the long line of slow-moving traffic. "Nah." He drawled sarcastically, I ignored his remark, "oh my god, I can't believe I'm at Disney World, I'll be able to see the castle- and the fireworks. There's Minnie and Mickey Mouse, and Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit. I think this is the best moment of my life!" I gushed as we turned into the parking lot, Dad paid the most ludicrous amount to park but I was to preoccupied with my location.

Disney World.

Where the magic happens.

The happiest place on earth.

We both headed over to the colourful tram stop, where we joined another queue for the tram into the park.

"The lines get worse from here on out." Dad told me as I jiggled around on my crutches "don't ruin this." I warned.

But even my limitless excitement began to waver as the pain from standing so much, though I didn't complain, I think my dad picked up on the change of attitude.

Eventually the tram lumbered to a stop beside us and we took a seat, I was grateful to be off my feet- well, foot- I watched the world whiz by with far more enthusiasm than I should've had.

We departed at our stop, Magic Kingdom, and headed through security.

I had a small bag which held a portable charger, my iPhone and purse, once it was checked and I was let through Dad handed me my ticket. "Didn't you trust me with this earlier?" I asked, "hell no." The lady at the turnstiles scanned my ticket and let me into the park.

I was in Disney World

As soon as Dad made his way through the turnstiles I tossed my phone at him "take a picture." I begged, he rolled his eye but complied as I balanced skillfully without my crutches.

Once I was sure that their was at least one good photo I picked up my crutches and Dad handed me my phone, he also gave me a band to put on, it allowed me to use the disabled entrance on rides.

"We should get you one of those First Time buttons so that everyone knows that it's your first time at Disney." Dad laughed, I poked my tongue out at him before tugging at his arm "I wanna go on Splash Mountain."

We clambered into the front two spaces and a restraint bar was lowered to just above our knees, after the remaining spaces were filled the boat set off through a winding passage in a 'cave' area, before reaching a small conveyor belt. Our log was pulled to the top, it splashed back into the water, showering us with water. I was very thankful for the waterproof filling in my cast. The boat entered a darker area filled with animatronics, the frogs had especially creepy deep-voices, which told the story of the fox and the rabbit.

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