Chapter 6: Traditions

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"Az if you don't hurry up we're not going." Dad warned as I stumbled down the stairs in a rush, he smiled and shook his head slightly whilst snatching the keys of the sideboard, I smoothed out my clothes "c'mon Dad! Let's go." I was buzzing.

The drive to breakfast was quiet, my music was playing softly on the radio and Dad was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat.

The Diner was a small building in downtown Washington, it was our ritual, the last day of school we would go to the Diner and I would order anything I fancied. I still remember the first time we came here.

I marvelled at the shiny chrome detail and the red plush booths; it was like paradise.

Dad lifted me up onto one of the stools and pointed to the menu "anything you want." He told me, kissing the side of my head, I looked up at him and was assured with a nod. Dad had a coffee placed in front of him before he even said a word, he nodded in thanks before wrapping his hands around the china and trying to leech the warmth from it.

"Can I have ice cream?" I wondered, my dad laughed "are you sure you want ice cream? It's cold outside." He asked, I gave him a toothy grin "as long as you have a hot drink," Dad compromised "hot chocolate!" I exclaimed.

The waitress seemed to know my dad well, I guess he was in every morning for his coffee to-go, it was the only place he could stand to drink at. "A hot fudge brownie sundae please." I told her politely, mimicking her bright smile "comin' up, along with some fresh brew." She laughed, eyeing Dad's empty cup.

It wasn't long before a tall glass was placed in front of me, I began to drool at the sight of ice cream, brownie, whipped cream, fudge sauce strawberries and chocolate.

Dad passed me a long handled spoon "you better dig in before it melts." He said, watching as ice cream fell down the side of the glass. With a wicked smile, I plunged the spoon in and began to devour my treat.

The glass stood, only a few remains of sauce and cream to show what was once their, I plonked the spoon inside and rested a hand on my full tummy.

"Thank you." I whispered, beaming at Dad, he smiled and pointed to the drink. I shook my head "I'm so full," I groaned, then added "but a cuddle would keep me warm." Whilst scooting closer. "Okay then," Dad gave in, opening his arms to allow me to climb over, I snuggled further into his chest as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

We both took a seat at our normal booth in the 1950s style restaurant, I loved the feel of place, a new waitress placed two laminated menus on the table with a casual smile.

I picked mine up and propped it in a V shape. "Hi, Gibbs and Azalea. Azalea, do you know what you want to drink?" Elaine asked, smiling happily "What about me?" Dad demanded "Gibbs the day you order something other than a large coffee I will be a millionaire." She replied and I 'uhuh'ed in agreement "a caramel dough please." I asked sweetly, Elaine shot a look at my dad and he nodded "it's tradition." He stated, she left with a smile and returned moments later with a large white china mug, filled to the brim with strong coffee.

"What are you having?" I asked him "eggs easy." He said "you?" I smiled and scanned the reflective menu "waffles?" I said "whipped cream and strawberries and raspberries." Dad took a gulp of coffee "ice cream?" I added "don't push it." He cautioned, making me laugh.

Elaine returned with my drink and took our food order, she told us it would be half a hour but I told dad twenty, my milkshake came in a large glass, it had vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, doughnut dough and chocolate chips and was garnished with some whipped cream and a tiny chocolate-covered doughnut.

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