Chapter 14: My Heart Fell Dead Before

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I cracked my neck in a effort to rid myself of the stiffness.

Ratchet straps were wrapped around me like ribbons, holding me like a prisoner. I squinted against the bright strip lighting.

My head was pounding; like little men with pick axes had taken up residence in my head. I glanced around the room whilst keeping my head low, eleven mercenaries were dotted around in a wobbly circle, guns ready, and slung across their knees.

I felt the barrel of an assault rifle dig into my spine, I sat up straighter, noticing my ankle was swathed in bandages but it didn't disguise that there was something seriously wrong with it.

A man passed me an open water bottle wordlessly, I grasped the top with my teeth and tipped my head back to take a large gulp, it was ripped from me after I had downed nearly half the bottle.

I was jolted to the side and I felt water splash against my bare legs. I hadn't taken much notice of my surroundings though now I knew we were in a plane.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly. "El Mexico." One of the heavily tattooed men laughed, a distinct Russian accent lacing his voice. "Hope you like tacos." Another added from behind. They were so close I could feel there breath on the nape of my neck. I felt a sharp pinch in my arm, making me grit my teeth, it only took a few moments for it to relax my body and slip me into a restless sleep.

I wiggled restlessly in the car seat as the scenery gradually changed from farming fields to small shops, the pickup pulled into a parking space outside Jack's General Store.

Dad twisted around in his seat, unclasping his seatbelt as he did "you ready to meet Granddad?" He asked, reaching forward to undo my seatbelt, I nodded enthusiastically, bouncing up and down in my car seat, he laughed, exiting the vehicle and opening my door.

A bell chimed as Dad pushed open the door with his hand, the other grasped my small one,  I looked around at the stacks of food adorning the shelves and the tool supplies hanging off the wall behind the counter.

"Give me a moment."

"Don't worry, we'll be here for a while." Dad called back, letting the bag fall from his shoulder onto the chequered floor.

"Leroy! Is that you?"

"No, it's your other son." Dad replied sarcastically.

An older man appeared in the doorway, a large grin stretched across his weathered face "and who is this?" He added, pointing at me- who was huddled against his leg.

This time it was Dad who had a thousand watt smile on his face. "Dad, this is Azalea Knight-Gibbs, Azzie this is Granddad." He introduced. Jack's expression soured. "Leroy, I think we need a chat." He said, tone authoritative, Dad sensed the change of atmosphere, he nodded, following the already moving figure.

I watched Dad move around the kitchen, he placed a carton of strawberry milkshake and a BLT sandwich in front of me.

"I need to talk to Grandad for a second. Don't leave the table till I'm back. Okay?" He explained, kneeling down to my level, I nodded, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead before heading into the living room and shutting the door firmly behind him.

I was only halfway through my sandwich the shouting started.

Slipping off my seat, I padded softly to the closed door and listened in.

"I've been looking after Azalea for the past couple of months- it's been two weeks since the adoption papers came through." Dad retorted to whatever his father said.

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