Chapter 5: Do We Have A Big Enough Mop?

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My back was against the drawers of Dad's desk, watching Zombieland on Netflix, McGee and Ziva were tracking a lead in Virginia. Tony was currently in the evidence garage collecting some files from the Military Police and FBI.

I thought it was weird that Dad wasn't going to Virginia but I didn't question it, who knew with him?

I was tapped on the shoulder as the film finished, I tugged off my headphones and looked up at my dad.

"Have you done your homework?" He asked.

I nodded in reply "we'll be getting our summer packets tomorrow."

"Just making sure." Dad clarified, picking up his buzzing phone from the table "hi Abbs, be right down." He affirmed, hanging up the phone and grabbing his coffee before making his way down to Abby's lab.

I glanced up at his desk, at the two brown folders with the service logo embellished on the front and a neon yellow Post-It saying REYNOSA in bold, black block capitals.

Sliding my laptop onto the desk, I hesitantly picked up the folders and tucked them under my arm like a football before making my way to the lift, bumping into McGee and Ziva as I went "hey! Az, what are you doing with the files?" McGee asked "I was... taking them down to Dad?" I stated, though it sounded more like a question "please guys, I just need them for a few minutes." I pleaded, Ziva and McGee exchanged looks "McGee, I think we need to go to the canteen, and whatever happens or goes missing from Gibbses desk we don't know about." Ziva said, pulling him away from me and to the opposite side of the building.

I quickly ducked into the open elevator and pressed a random button, after a few seconds I switched the emergency stop switch on and sat cross legged in the corner of the small cube and opened the first file.

Alina Reynosa.
Born: 13/3/1989. Age 23
Mother: Paloma Reynosa (deceased)
Father: Reuben Lucas (deceased)
Guardian(s): Louisa Lucas and Richard Lucas (Brother and Sister-In-Law to the father)
Description: Mexican-American, 5ft 10, shoulder length black/dark brown hair, straight, brown eyes, Tattoo of a scorpion behind her right ear, a butterfly tattoo on her right forearm.

Curious, I turned to the next page, expecting to find prior convictions and services, but the page was blank. I looked at the next sheet which was another description without a picture but with a similar account.

Gabriella Reynosa
Born: 26/6/1992. Age 20
Mother: Paloma Reynosa (deceased)
Father: Reuben Lucas (deceased)
Guardian(s): Louisa Lucas and Richard Lucas  (Brother and Sister-In-Law to the father)
Description: Mexican American, 5ft 8, waist length, black/dark brown hair, shaved left side, blue eyes, septum piercing, tattoo of a scorpion behind her left ear.

Like her older sister Gabriella didn't have a criminal record. They seemed to disappear once they were eighteen and twenty one, I suspect to joint the family business. I placed the file on the floor next to me and and opened the second, more chunkier, folder.

The first section was what the Reynosa Cartel dealt, which seemed everything from drugs to money to hit men to guns, this also showed some of their dealings as well.

Then there was the main Reynosa family files- Paloma Reynosa, Alejandro Rivera and their father Pedro Hernandez- and some of the most influential members. I turned to the back, from 1980-2008, until Paloma died, there was a list of the murders conducted by the cartel. In the 1991 section I found Shannon and Kelly.

Although I knew that Dad's first wife and only daughter was murdered by the cartel, I knew nothing else.

Shannon Gibbs. Died 28/2/91. Pedro Hernandez shot the NIS driver of their car, this caused it to crash into a tree, killing Mrs Gibbs on impact. Her husband, Gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs, was on Live Active Duty at the time of the accident.

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