Chapter 9: Father-Daughter Bonding

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The sound of wood being moved woke me up, I glanced at my clock, 9:12, I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn't rudely been pulled out of my bed and had water thrown in my face for good measure as Tony said that he might be round.

"Hi Dad." I greeted as I walked downstairs, still in my pyjama shorts and my middle school leavers hoodie. I received a nod of acknowledgement as he measured out the wood struts accurately. Dad worked in silence, not once speaking to me, or me to him, I rested my head against the wooden beam and watched.

To stop myself falling asleep on the stairs I went to the kitchen and made some hot drinks, I made a black coffee for Dad and a tea for me.

I passed him the drink wordlessly and he took a large gulp, with a quiet hum of content, like a cat stretching out in the sun, he placed the half empty cup on the bench and indicated with his finger for me to come over. I had a sander shoved into my hands and was propelled towards one of the large pillars, I untangled my headphones and shoved them in my ears, I nodded my head to the beat of the track while Dad worked on measuring the wood to cover the hull.

It was nice.

This is what we classed as father and daughter bonding.

"What are you going to name this one?" I asked him, this would be his seventh boat, he's ran out of ex-wives and daughters to name them after. "Surprise." He smiled mysteriously and turned back to cutting the planks of Cypress.

We worked all the way till lunch, Dad was called into work by Abby, he had ignored everyone else, he kissed the side of my head and promised to be back early. I nodded, not totally convinced, as promises regarding work often went out the window.

I took a shower and washed the gritty feeling of sawdust from my skin. I smiled slightly at my new guard- Josh- and Dakota as I walked into my bedroom.

Most of the bodyguards were new- my security detail was tripled after Luis was killed. I wrapped my hair up in a towel and took a space on my bed, I grabbed my black and pink Xbox controller and turned on the console, I scrolled along my games and clicked on the one I fancied. I turned on my Razar headset as Assassins' Creed queued up in the screen. The first couple of kills went easy, I had just assassinated Roth when I received a call through my headset, I glanced at the screen- it was a joint call between Willow and Sebastian.

"Hi guys." I called "what did you ring me for?" I asked.

"Just wondered if you wanted some company." Bash replied.

I made a face though he couldn't see it "I would but I'm playing Syndicate." I told him.

"Okay, no problem. If you wanna join us we are playing Gears Of War 4." I could hear the tinge of sadness in his voice.

"You know what." I paused as a scream ricocheted through the speaker, I winced "your parents?" I asked, cringing as the screaming match intensified in volume and a deeper voice could now be heard, "when isn't it?" He asked rhetorically. That's why he was so upset.

"Where's your brother?" I asked

"Managed to go to Becca's, just after it started." He said.

Lucky him.

"C'mon let's play." I told him brightly, in a effort to raise the somber mood that had descended.

"I'm back." Willow yelled.

I heard a door slam and the arguing became muffled

"Game on!" Bash agreed.

A ping from my phone caught my attention, it was from Willow and Penelope, on the group chat. I read it and laughed, the bunch of sneaky ass's.

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