Chapter 32: Houseparty

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I hadn't left my room in two day.

Two day of Dad knocking at my door asking- pleading- for me to come out.

Two days of staring at the ceiling.

I rolled over with a grunt, and reached for my phone, which had been wedged down the side of the bed since I tossed it blindly a couple of days ago. I scrolled through my message feed, everyone from Willow to Domino's Pizza had sent me a message.

Granted, Domino's just sent me a offer of three-for-two but it was still a message. I clicked on Willows string. At first she was saying sorry for my breakup, but her newest message attracted my attention.

Hi Azziebubs, I'm sorry abt Bash. If you want you can come to mine for a total girly sleepover, Ben and Jerrys included. Txt me back. Btw Bianca is having a giant end of summer/going to collage blowout party so it might get a little noisy.

I rolled my eyes at the old nickname 'Azziebubs' that I'd adopted when I was six, but the idea of a sleepover sounded amazing right now. I pushed myself out of bed and wrinkled my nose, a shower was the first thing on the agenda.

I connected my phone to the suction cupped speaker and listened to music while I washed off everything from the past day or so. I dressed in high-waisted ripped jeans and a white cold-shoulder t-shirt that was slightly cropped before heading downstairs and helping myself to a large bowl of Coco Pops. "I thought we had a robber but it's just you." Dad said, I looked up, spoon still in my mouth, I shrugged and carried on eating.

I hoped that he wouldn't step into the 'boyfriend' territory.

"Are you okay?"

Okay, maybe not.

I nodded "I just needed time." I told him, hoping Dad would leave it at that, which he did.

"Can I go to Willows tonight?" I asked, dropping my spoon back into the bowl and reaching for the coffee decanter and mug.

"Willows?" He echoed.

I nodded, "I want to see her before the start of school."

I took a sip of the dark liquid and shuddered at the taste, I had still yet to get over my craze of the disgusting drink.


I looked up at him so fast my neck clicked "really?" I questioned, he'd barely let me out of his sight since I arrived home from Mexico, and now he was letting me stay with a friend without guards- not to mention the huge summer party- though he wouldn't be informed of that. "Yeah," my dad assured "go have some fun." I grinned and hopped off my chair and into the room.

Frantically I shoved clothes into a large rucksack, throwing in any other things I needed, I was packed within five minutes.


I smiled, hooking a strap over my shoulder. We took the MCRT car, "you're going into work?" I asked, it was nearing five now, and I suspect that if he went in an all-nighter was imminent. "Abbs wanted to see me." He muttered, pulling out of our road, I looked out the window and watched the world pass by. I jumped out the car as soon as it stopped, "bye Dad!" I yelled as I slammed the door in his face.

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