Chapter 16: Butterflies

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I hummed the tune of a Sting song to help distract myself, by now I had worked out that my cell was smaller than a normal cell- seven feet long and five feet wide- and there was a total of 2,237 white tiles in my cell, of all of the the tiles 31 had hairline cracks, most were behind the metal framed bed I was sitting on. I secured the white blanket tighter around myself, I wasn't sure whether it was night or day, or even what day it was. I began to recite what I already knew in my head.

My name is Azalea Lacie Knight-Gibbs. My mother and father were murdered by the Reynosa Cartel when I was five. My dad is Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He was a Marine. He now works in NCIS. I was kidnapped by the Reynosa's and taken to Mexico. The date I was taken is...

I stopped dead and fumbled through my brain for the date, no matter how much I searched, I couldn't remember. I slammed my hands against the wall, again and again, "I can't remember." I screamed, sinking into the bed. "I can't remember." cuddling into the rough blanket, I closed my eyes, hoping after a small sleep everything would be better, but it was a lie, a lie I told myself, a lie I chose to believe.


The butterflies began to float closer, landing on the wall by my head, bright cobalt blue and iridescent greens and pinks, all with black tipped wings with white speckles. I held up my arm to inspect a deep orange one which had landed on my hand, I twisted my wrist to marvel at the docile creature as it shimmered on the back of my hand.

I smiled and giggled as it flew from my hand and landed on the tip of my nose, the insect made itself comfortable, fanning out its intricate wings, I crossed my eyes to watch the beautiful butterfly some more. The lights began to dim until I couldn't see the other butterflies, but I could hear them in the air, a low thumping hum, which hung in the darkness.

"You are so pretty." I cooed as another, a bright fuchsia, took refuge on my stomach. I held my hand out and the creature crawled onto my hands, making me smile as I inspected it.

The orange butterfly seemed to get annoyed from the lack of attention, and with what seemed to be a indigent huff it sprang into the air and disappeared. "Aw, come back." I mumbled, swinging my legs around and laying my bare feet on the cool ground.

The sound of the locking mechanism pulled my attention from the colourful insects.

A man walked in, and the darkness went away, I studied him carefully before dismissing him, I looked back to my arm but the butterfly had gone.

All the butterflies were gone.

"You didn't eat your rice." He growled "they are going to make you eat soon, and it's not going to be pretty." I shrugged, more concerned about where my friends had gone "it might be poisoned." I muttered, spinning around on the bed. "Hey, to you know where the butterflies went?" I asked him suddenly, the man's expression turned into one of worry and shock "er, no." He replied, baffled. "You need to come with me." The man advanced forward to grab my arm "no." I yelled, slapping him in the face when he pushed my kicking legs out the way, he hissed in pain and tackled me, pining me in a painful hold, I whimpered into the mattress. The man, with the help of another, hauled me out of the cell and down the corridor.

The room I was deposited in was much bigger than the cell, the Reynosa sisters were there with another man- Reggie- I heard them call him. He looked over his shoulder and nodded.

I was shoved towards the middle and tied up to an overhead pipe. I winced as the rope bit into my skin.

The man made his way over to me, standing so we were face to face "are you going to cooperate?" Reggie mused, in reply I hocked back and spat in his face "go to hell." I replied defiantly, he raised and eyebrow; and a fist.

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