Chapter 15: If Your Going Through Hell? Well, Keep Going

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My phone startled me awake, I rubbed my eyes and sighed, it had been a hour since I was supposed to be back at NCIS, I only came back to shower and change. It had been three days since Azalea had gone missing, and every search lead to more dead ends than answers. I needed to find Az.

"Gibbs." I stated, massaging my temple, hysterical crying flooded the speaker and I sat up straighter "Abby?" I demanded "what's wrong?" I listened closely as I tried to decipher her sobs "Az is dead." She cried "all these pictures are coming through..." the words dissolved into more anguished tears.

I ended the call, already leaving the house. I floored it, thankful for the empty roads at three in the morning. Thoughts were racing through my head, I couldn't lose Az, she is my daughter and I promised her I would keep her safe. I ran into the dark lab, the computer screens were the only thing shedding light in the room. I watched in horror as pictures of Azalea's mutilated body flicked through on the screen. I stumbled back, hitting my back against the metal desk, I was gasping like a fish out of water. "No." I muttered repeatedly as I hyperventilated.

"Gibbs?" a small voice asked from the corner of the room, I sucked in a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes before replying "I'm coming Abbs." I told her, moving over to where she was curled. I gathered myself together, and tried to pretend that my world wasn't falling apart. Wordlessly I wrapped my arms around her, after a while I couldn't take seeing those pictures anymore.

They had been permanently etched into my eyelids.

"C'mon Abbs." I whispered pulling her out of the room and up to the bullpen. I sat at my desk and Abby sat to my left on McGee's desk, she logged in to her account and began to do some work.

A chilling scream caused me to shudder, I looked up and saw DiNozzo, dark bags under his eyes and his hair askew, he was dressed in a tee shirt and sweatpants, mumbling incoherently about something as another scream sounded. It sounded like Az. The thought of my now dead daughter brought tears to my eyes which I quickly wiped away.

What is wrong with me? Why is it always my girls who get killed?

"I didn't expect you to be here so early." I stated, trying desperately to ignore the tortured screeching. "Neither did I. But where Azzie's screams started to flood my apartment an hour ago." He gestured helplessly "it's playing on my phone now, the damn thing won't turn off or let me turn them down." He winced as a particularly high pitched squeal emitted from the phone on his desk. I nodded, trying to block out the horrible screaming. I glanced around my desk, hoping to locate the file I wanted. I narrowed my eyes at my desk drawer, it was slightly ajar.

With a frown I pulled it open, everything was there, I noticed the back of the frame for the only photo in my desk, I picked it up and flipped it over so I could see the photo. It was of me and Az, when she was younger- five years old to be exact- about a month after I brought her home.

"I wanna go on that!" Azalea gushed, pointing at the long zip wire that ran the entire length of the park. I let out a breathy laugh "let's go then." I told her, helping her off the roundabout, she tottered in a zigzag as the world kept spinning but soon found her balance and rushed after me.

She jumped onto the seat and wrapped her hands around the pole, waiting patiently "you wanna push?" I asked, she nodded eagerly, I grabbed the pole and dragged it after me as I ran, about a third of the way I let go and watched as she sailed the rest of the way, Az slid off as soon as it finished bouncing to a stop "again!" Azalea called as she ran past me, towing the seat behind her, I smiled and followed the excited little girl.

It'd been a long case, and Azalea had been stuck in the Navy Yard for the past week.

"Have you tired yourself out now?" I laughed as she flopped down on the grassy bank, Az looked at me, with a cheeky grin on her face "maybe I need some ice cream." Azalea hinted, in her sweet, five year old voice and large doe eyes.

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