Chapter 33: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

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The curtains done little to stop the bright sunlight filling the room. I groaned and flipped over, burying my head under a pillow. I was too exhausted to acknowledge what was going on.

My stomach jolted, causing me to launch from the sofa and into the bathroom.

Retching, I felt a horrible burning in my throat as I threw up everything in my stomach into the toilet. My hair was pulled back, and a hand rubbed circles on my back "that's it, get it all up." I fell to the side, my head leant on my bent knees, "I bet it tastes a hell of a lot worse coming up than it did going down." Dad muttered, I nodded with a whimper, my head felt like it was going to explode.

I slowly remembered what had occurred last night, small hazy snippets that built up the bigger image.

The drinks and the games and dancing all came back, and worst of all, puking on Dad.

I groaned, and I felt my face flush, "are you okay?" He asked, gently inspecting my face, a tear trickled down the side of my cheek, I brushed it away with the heel of my palm. "I'm so sorry Dad, I'm such a disappointment, I screw up everything." I sniffed "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry." I went to get up, but I ended up stumbling, I grabbed the sink with both hands in a effort to stable myself. I kept my head down as I waited for the dizziness to pass.

My dad picked up my arm and slung it round his neck while his other arm circled my waist, I leant on him tiredly, and allowed him to take the extra weight.

He guided me back over to the couch and wrapped the duvet around me like when I was little. With a sigh, I rested my head on his shoulder. "Go to sleep." He ordered, I smiled lazily and stretched out on the sofa.


I awoke to the sound of the door attempted to be shut quietly.

Weirdly enough, the slightest whisper is enough to wake me, but I could sleep through a full-scale screaming match.

Dad walked in, many bags hanging from his hands and a stressed look; he'd been grocery shopping.

He abandoned them on the kitchen table, and fished out a packet of crackers and a bottle of water.

"It has electrolytes or some thingy in it." I snorted with laughed, then winced. He walked over and crouched down "were you sick anymore?" I held up one finger, he peered into the bucket and screwed up his nose. "And the head?" Dad asked, "pounding." The look on his face was one of 'serves you right' and sympathy. "Let me pack all that away and I'll grab you something for it." He told me, taking the bucket with him. I closed my eyes and dozed off while everything was being packed away.

I felt the sofa dip, cracking my eye open I saw that Dad had returned, he held out his hand and dropped my usual medication as well as some Advil. I took them with the electrolyte water, I pushed myself up into a crisscross position next to Dad.

"Do you know how much danger you put yourself in last night?"

I looked down at the floor, expecting the shouting to commence at any moment.

"You're only fifteen Az, and despite what you think, your still a young girl. Your body is much smaller than an adults, so you can't cope with the with the effects of even a small amount of alcohol, it can effect you quicker than an adult and at a much higher intensity."

Dad explained, not raising his voice at all, which is some way, made me feel worse.

"Drinking that much, and at that strength, could have given you alcohol poisoning, which is when the intake of alcohol is large your body isn't able to process it. When this happens it damages the way your body functions, it effects the way your brain sends instructions to various parts of your body, and they don't work like they're supposed to. Your body temperature could plummet or soar, you could choke or stop breathing, or fall unconscious, even your heart could stop."

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