Chapter 31: Shattered

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"Look, there's one over there!" I pointed, Dad rolled his eyes and pulled into the empty space moments before the Mercedes travelling in the opposite direction did.

"It's your first appointment Az." He reminded, it had been just over a month since I was shot, two weeks since Ziva's funeral, the one in my chest had mostly mended and my doctors were happy that there is no other issue apart from a some scar tissue that might cause some discomfort later on.

My dad, who had the same doctors as me were very pleased on how his operation had healed, and he was almost off all his meds, which pleased him.

Today it was the first time they looked at my ankle. I pulled my trusty friends, the crutches, which I had named Spongebob and Patrick out of the backseat.

One thing I hated was the waiting room, it was crammed with children with broken bones, and today was no different.

Cautiously I maneuvered around the younger children wailing on the floor, Dad had already left this hellish room to grab a coffee from the machine a few paces further on.

My good foot tripped on something and I prepared myself to slam face first in to the lino, but instead, there was a slight pain as someone roughly pulled my arm. I was half pushed into a chair by the person who grabbed me, this turned out to be a boy around my age, he wore a scowl as he let go of my arm and faced forward again.

"Do you normally force girls to sit next to you?" I asked sarcastically, slipping off my crutches, "yes I'm a total sucker for clumsy girls who kick my legs." He replied dryly, not even looking in my direction, "next time remind me to let you fall, then you can deal with a broken nose as well as a broken ankle."

I stared at the guy sitting next to me, "sorry," I apologised eventually "for kicking your leg." the boy just shrugged "it's not like I feel it anyway." I looked down at his legs, which was swathed in black denim despite the still humid temperatures, he pulled them up briefly, revealing two prosthetic legs. I raised my eyebrows but didn't comment.

"Aren't you gonna ask what happened? People normally do." He questioned after a while.

"What so you can give me some bullshit answer, like, a shark tore off your legs or you lost them due to an underage biking accident, or anything that makes you seem like a badass?" I scoffed, this made the guy smirk.

"I was going to tell you they got mauled by a cannibalistic werewolf, but whatever."

I shook my head

"Car accident." He said suddenly "let me guess, shattered ankle?"

"Not bad, shattered ankle, and torn Achilles' Tendon and muscle." He nodded, almost approvingly.

"I would like to know how the clumsy girl done that."

I laughed. "You wouldn't believe me."

The boy shrugged.

"I got shot."

"I believe you,"

That was a slight shock.

"I mean, anyone would probably shoot you after a while." He added snakily, I rolled my eyes .

"Are you always this charming?"

The guy smiled "that's why they keep asking for me to come back, the nurses adore my quick wit and humor."

Making a hum sound I replied "sure that's the reason."

"Atticus Washington?"

"Atticus?" I snorted.

Atticus rolled his eyes and flipped me the bird.

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