Chapter 34: Minnie Mouse Ears

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I dragged a hand across my face and snatched my phone from the table, squinting at the bright light emitted from the screen, as I read the text I felt my stomach drop.

I threw the quilt off and rushed upstairs, I shoved opened the door and froze in my space. Sitting on my bed was a pair of Minnie Mouse ears, an open suitcase, and tickets to Disney World.

No fucking way.

I spun around to see my dad, dressed in casual clothes and Converses, a large holdall by his feet, a smirk on his face.


I launched forward and wrapped my arms around him "I guess you like it then?" He asked, I nodded rapidly, with newfound excitement I turned to my wardrobe and began to pack.

I zipped up my case with a final flourish, and pulled up the handle, I shouldered my rucksack and followed Dad out to the car.

All of his stuff and Tallahassee's bowls and toys were loaded in the back, he slotted in my bag like some it was a game of Tetris. I unhooked Talls lead from the hook next to the door and attached it to his collar before leading him to the yellow car, where he jumped on his bed and laid down with a sigh. I hopped in my seat, already wriggling with excitement.

Dad plonked into the drivers' seat after locking up the house, "Az," he warned "it's a thirteen and a half hour drive." I watched as he turned the ignition and pulled away from the curb. "but it's Disney World, the Disney World." I paused "Mad Hatter is there isn't he? Mad Hatter is gonna be there, right?" Dad sighed and nodded "Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are at Disney World, I get to meet them!" I gushed, my dad to a long drink of his coffee "Az go back to sleep."

I glanced at the clock, ready to protest when I saw that it was only half five in the morning. I snuggled against the window, using my bent arm as a pillow and dropped off to sleep.

When I awoke the scenery had changed completely, the copious houses had disappeared completely, now replaced with countless trees and a long twisting road.

"Where are we?" I mumbled, trying to stretch my aching muscles in the small car. "Somewhere near the border of North and South Carolina." Dad replied, one hand was rested on the open window, holding a coffee, while the other was clutched around the steering wheel loosely.

After around half an hour we pulled into a little rural station. I let Tallahassee out to relieve himself and stretch his legs while Dad filled up the tank and probably grabbed some more coffee.

Sometimes it surprises me how he doesn't get caffeine overdose.

I also took the opportunity to take a walk, I lumbered up the hill and drank in the view. Trees and rolling hills spread in front of me, picturesque, like a postcard, and I wondered what it would be like to live in such a beautiful and detached part of the state.

I heard the car grumble into life and took my cue, whistling at Tallahassee I began to scurry down the hill.

Without my instruction Talls launched himself in the back and flopped onto his bed, large blue eyes looking up at me, with a smile I tossed him a bone- gravy- his favourite. I climbed into the front and strapped in, Dad dropped a Snapple in my lap and pulled back onto the road.

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