Chapter 1: Azalea Knight-Gibbs

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I looked through the scope and took a shot, hitting the guy in the head.

"Really Azalea? In the head!" Becca yelled through the headset.

I smirked to myself.

"you were that said you wanted to play COD." Willow pointed out.

"Okay, okay. So you stop whining about my sniping we can play zombies next." I offered, a chorus of agreement came through the set, I turned around from my spot by the window and was stabbed in the stomach by someone on the enemy team.

"That little fucker!" I yelled, throwing my controller down as the match scores came on the screen.

"What's up?" Kyle asked.

"Some guy stabbed me- ending my kill streak- and I was last kill." I explained angrily as it played on the TV in front of me. "Don't worry he got me as well." Willow told me "such a douche." I grumbled.

Keys jingled slightly and I heard the door close and only a few seconds later his voice echoed through the house. "Azalea Knight-Gibbs get down here!" My Dad, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, yelled "ah crap." I mumbled, dropping my controller and sliding the headset from my ears.

"Yes, Daddy?" I asked sweetly, he gave me a look "DiNozzo." Was the only word he said, I bit my lip "he fell for the prank?" I asked and he nodded, I couldn't help but snigger slightly "you're grounded." He stated "and you're cleaning it up tomorrow." I groaned and was tempted to argue but the look on Dad's face stopped me. "Unplug your Xbox, I want it in my room by the time I get out the shower." Dad added. I glared at the floor but made my way upstairs.

"I just got grounded." I told them.

"What did you do this time?" Becca asked.

"I put a giant water balloon filled with coke under the pillow of Tony's chair." I admitted sheepishly, "off the Xbox Az." Dad ordered as he passed the open bedroom door, I sighed "see ya tomorrow. Hopefully." I unhooked the console and put it in Dad's room.

I returned to my room and picked up the book that lay dog eared on my bedside table, The Lies We Tell Ourselves, and resumed my position and took a seat on my giant purple beanbag. "How's the book?" Dad asked, dressed in a red hoodie and jeans, I made a 'awesome' face as I flipped over to the next page. "What do you want for dinner?" Dad asked.


"Ok. Wanna help?"

I cut up some mozzarella and Parmesan while Dad browned off some beef, sausage, onion and garlic in a pan before adding the sauce, I grabbed some lasagne sheets from the fridge before laying them in a dish "DiNozzo is over." Dad told me, "really?" I loved when Tony came over. "Yeah, he dislocated his shoulder at work, told him to come for dinner." I nodded, most of the time I don't ask about work, "is Ziva and McGee on protection detail then?" he nodded

"Ziva is."

I smirked "was it McGee's fault? Is that why you were more pissed than normal when you walked in."

"Maybe, watch the language."

"that's a yes then."

He rolled his eyes and shoved the lid over the top, "I'm gonna do some work." he told me as he set the timer for an hour. Dad was sanding some wood when I made my way down the the basement, it had the most calming smell of cedar and wood oil that reminded me of when I was younger. "You wanna help?" Dad asked without looking at me "err, yeah." I agreed, jumping down the last few steps, he handed me the sandpaper which was wrapped around a block and I took over while he measured out something else with a ruler.

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