Chapter 27: Reminiscing

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I watched as the sun created shadows on the lumpy plaster of the ceiling, my eyes followed the strange patterns that branched of like veins, they seemingly followed a crazy forked pattern before dropping off into oblivion completely.

The strong aroma of coffee crawled into my room, I scrunched up my nose at the potent smell, before swinging my legs out of the bed and collecting my crutches from their heap on the floor. I picked up my phone, and had a brief view of my reflection on the blank screen before it lit up and displayed the time, my eyes were slightly bloodshot and rimmed with red and large purple bags hung beneath. As quietly as I could I made my way into the kitchen, passing through to disaster zone of bodies first.

Tony's legs were dangling half way over the side of the couch, and I noticed two pale hairless strips on each shin, smirking I thought of the three probable assailants.

Mumbling something incoherent about... KFC he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and smeared it over the cushions as he let his hand dangle out the side. It was like watching a giant lay on a toadstool.

Abby and McGee weren't faring much better.

The air mattress barely contained all of Abby's flailing limbs, which were stuck out at odd angles, while her body was curled up in the middle, how in her position she was comfy I don't think I'll ever know. I think the real reason Abbs prefers to sleep in a coffin is to restrain her wild appendages.

Poor McGee didn't look any comfier, completely evicted from the air mattress, he had been forced onto the wooden floor. He slept with no blanket or pillow but just in a hoodie and shorts; sprawled flat on his back.

Quietly, I hopped over them all and into the kitchen, Dad was sitting at his place at the table, staring at his glass of water intently as he slowly twisted it around on the surface.

I felt sorry for him; his coffee ban couldn't be at a worse time.

He too had red around his eyes. I grabbed a coffee cup from the hook and slid the glass jug out, I brought it over to the table and poured myself a cup, adding cream and sugar to try and disguise the nasty taste.

"You drink coffee now?" Dad asked, taking a sip of his water.

I shook my head "one off." I muttered. "Did I have any more?"

I was referring to the nightmares, by midnight Dad had already woken me up twice because I was screaming in my sleep.

"About three, I tried to wake you up." He replied, "in the end I sat up and stayed with you."

I took a large gulp, and looked at him "I'm sorry." I apologised, his lack of sleep was my fault, it wasn't good for his injuries.

"Rule 6."

I glanced back at the three sleeping forms.

When I faced the right way round I caught Dad smiling about something, "what?" I asked, feeling self conscious. "I was just thinking about something." He replied "do you remember when you were seven and everyone was staying over because of a big snowstorm?"

Tapping on the side of the china, I sifted through many winters, "the one where we made s'mores on the fire?" Dad grinned "that's the one, and when it was your bedtime you didn't want to go into your bed, so we all made a giant pillow fort and you slept in their so you didn't feel left out." I laughed at the memory, it did look very similar to the scene in the living room right now, shaking my head I took another drink "you were a big softie." I stated, "what about your birthday when I was six?" Dad chuckled.

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