Chapter 7: A Little Fact

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"Do you know giraffes are the tallest animals in the world, males grow up to eighteen feet and females fourteen." I told Luis who was sitting on my beanbag, twirling a ball bearing spinner on his index finger, he hummed in agreement, over the past week or so we had developed a friendship of sorts- I had even let him sit in my room whilst I was there, opposed to the solitary chair on the landing.

Shifting restlessly around on the around on the chair again, I sighed, this wasn't because of the high temperature, it was due to being cooped up inside all weekend.

The words and numbers on the paper in front of me blurred into a meaningless soup, I slammed the book closed. Patience gone.

I turned around in my seat and dangled my legs  either side of the back, I rested my head on my palms with a huff, Luis looked at me strangely "it's so boring." I groaned, he didn't contradict me so I knew he agreed. I wiped my forehead again.

"Did you know temperatures in a NASCAR car often exceed 100 degrees, reaching as much as 170 degrees by the floorboards. Drivers can lose 5-10 pounds in sweat during a race. If a driver doesn't keep drinking what they lose in sweat, their focus and reflexes start declining." I informed him "I think you can beat that right now." He laughed "your not even sweating, how is that possible?" I demanded, he smirked at me "I'm from Panama, I can deal with the heat." Luis told me. "See, how come you know everything about me, and I don't know anything about you." I burst "I don't know ever-" I cut him off "what's my blood type?" He looked at me stunned "AB negative." He replied almost mechanically, he pursed his lips as I raised my eyebrow as he validated my point. "Can you tell me more about you, about your family and stuff."

"My full name is Luis Mateo Gonzales Garcia and I'm twenty two, my father is from Panama and my mother is from Baltimore. I have three brothers, two are Marines and one is in Sophomore year. I served in the Marines for two tours in Afghanistan and was honourably discharged with two bronze stars, I have a daughter who is six years old, her name is Beatriz Ana Garcia- she was born when I was still in high school- her mother didn't want her so I took care of Beatriz. I have a long term boyfriend called Ollie, who I've been seeing for two years, he works as a mechanic in a auto body shop. I love to motocross and play basketball."

"You have a daughter?" I asked, he smiled and nodded, turning on his giant ass iPhone and showing the screen which showed Luis with a guy with ash blonde hair and Ray Bans and his daughter, she had his hair and skin colour but her eyes were assumably her mothers. "You have a lovely family." I complimented, he nodded "that I do." He agreed, smiling slightly as he looked at the phone "wanna play some Forza?"

I ambushed Dad as soon as he walked through the door but he ignored me and headed straight for the shower, slamming the door shut behind him.

"It's a hard case, involves a five and a nine year old girl, the five year old was found in the family home after going missing a week ago. Hanging by a noose." Ziva said from behind me, I grimaced.

Child cases were the worst.

I went over and gave Ziva a hug, we talked about school and how I was doing at parkour. Dad walked downstairs, a tense look on his face "ready?" He asked, Ziva nodded "hey Dad..." I wheedled, he turned around with an annoyed expression "can I go out, just for a run?" I asked, he shook his head "I'm bored and feel cabin feverish." I groaned dramatically, holding the back of my hand to my forehead, swooning slightly.

He sighed "it hasn't even been twenty four hours." Dad pointed out tiredly "please." I begged, looking up at him with pleading eyes that I knew always got him. "No, there is no-one to run with you, Ziva is-" he was cut off " I can run with Az, I have my gym stuff in the car." Luis piped up from the doorway "okay, fine. You can go for a run, only along the trail. I want you at the Navy Yard in a hour. A second later and you'll wish you never of slipped security." He warned, walking out the house.

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