Chapter 18: Greif

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Heavy footfall echoed in the narrow room, I kept my eyes closed, seeing nothing was better than white. "Move." Reggie ordered, spitting, I wiped the glob from my cheek and rolled over so I had my back to him. I didn't want to move, I just wanted to sleep. I felt a tug at my top and I was falling.

Wincing, I rubbed the back of my head, I felt a small lump where I smacked the floor, he wrapped his hand around my forearm and heaved me out of the cell. I was glad I was being pulled as I doubted that I could walk by myself at this point, I knew where we were going, back to the giant hall-like room.

"Wait." I gasped, bending over and vomiting, though it was nothing but water and stomach acid. Reggie gagged and hauled me over to the wall, I slid down to the floor as the world continued to spin "I feel ill- and dizzy." I mumbled, disorientated, he snorted "could've said earlier." he snarled, I looked up at him, and watched in fascination as he morphed into three, I blinked but it didn't seem to help. I squeezed my eye shut before opening them again and Reggie had moved back to one being. "Necesito algo de ayuda." He yelled down the hallway, another man- a local- appeared at his side and helped him carry me the rest of the way. "Gracias, ahora ve." Reggie ordered as I was dropped heavily onto the ground by the chair.

The two sisters walked in "esa pobre perra." Alina spoke, slightly sympathetic "it's karma." Gabriella told her sister, not bothering to speak in Spanish, flexing her wrist as she spun around some sort of stick. If I had the energy I would roll my eyes. "Está lista para castigarla?" she asked "yeah." Reggie called casually, as if they were discussing dinner.

I stuffed a fist into my mouth as hot blood spilled from my back, it felt like molten iron barbs being pulled across my skin "I like this." Gabriella cackled, flicking the remains of blood from the whip like thing inspecting it closely before lunging forward with it again and carving another strip along my spine. "One for luck?" I felt the burning pain again. Gabriella's cackles moved further away.

My salty tears made trails on my grubby face, my sobs were muffled by the hand still shoved over my mouth. Soon after the pain had ebbed enough for me to remove my hand, I didn't move much, the slightest shift would send tremors of pain through my body. "Hey." Reggie whispered, kneeling down to my level "what do you want?" I asked, my tone thick and tired from crying, he bared his teeth in a psychotic smile and stating "I don't want anything, but she does." and moving away to reveal Gabriella behind him "are you going to tell me that code now? Have I broke you yet?"

I turned to her, painfully, and looked into the soulless pits she had for eyes "I wish I had information to give you. Honestly, I broke a long time ago." I said listlessly, she stared at me for a long time, trying to work me out, but I was an open book, people knew my secrets and my lies. "I don't believe you." Gabriella hissed, I gave her a empty smile "okay." I replied simply. She growled in annoyance and anger, and walked over to my left, I didn't turn to see what she was doing.

I didn't care. Game over.

The water was freezing, and it hit me with bruising force, I went sprawling across the floor. I choked and spluttered slightly as I heaved in breaths. I turned to face the woman, she held a fire hose in her hands, a joyful five year old expression filling her face, she pulled the handle back; administering a powerful jet of water. It slammed against the tender skin on my back, sending me face first into the floor, I gritted my teeth and groaned as another hit my aching ribs.

Slowly, I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, and watched the bright red blood mingle with water as it pooled around me, my arms buckled and I collapsed to the floor.

People were surrounding me when I woke, peering into my face, talking in Spanish and some sort of native language. It felt as though something was lodged in my throat. I retched and coughed in an attempt to get it out, attracting the attention of Alina and a man in doctors' attire "llevarlo a cabo! Llevarlo a cabo!" She ordered as I fumbled with my hands, two men pinned my wrists as the doctor put a towel under my chin. Carefully, he extracted a tube from my throat, causing me to gag. It was horrible. "Esta fuera." The Mexican told everyone, the tube in his hand, spilling some sort of paste. Reggie smiled at the man "enviaré el dinero a casa." He assured the doctor "but you wont be." He added, pressing a glock into his temple and firing.

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