Chapter 10: Bulletproof In Black Like A Funeral

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I pulled at them hem of my black suede dress, it hovered just above my knees but I still felt like I was showing too much flesh, being disrespectful to my dead friend.

The friend I killed.

That particular voice snarled from the back of my head, I wanted to protest but it spoke the truth.

I rechecked my appearance in the mirror, I had chose a fairly loose fitting cold shoulder dress with long arms. I cradled the white peace lilies in my arms and made my way downstairs.

"Az." Dad said, his tone conveying his distaste for my choice, as he tied his tie in the hallway mirror.

We'd had this conversation last night, Dad was worried that I would go into full meltdown like I did in the lift, I on the other hand, was adamant in going. He was my Dad and it was up to him to protect me, I get that, but this was something I had to do.

"He was my friend, Dad, not some agent I can dismiss." I argued.

"I know he was but that still doesn't change anything." He replied

"I want to pay my respects to someone who laid down their life for mine and a friend. So either I walk there or I go with you."

Dad held my glare before nodding. "Okay." He agreed quietly, stepping forward and handing me a tissue.

The small military church was located on the outskirts of the cemetery, it's whitewashed walls and black slate gleaming in the morning sunlight.

A woman stood outside, welcoming everyone in, though now there wasn't many people left.

"Agent Gibbs?"

A woman in her late forties stepped forward, the smile, from what Luis told me, that was constantly on her face had fallen, and grief had etched lines into her face which weren't there before.

"Welcome. My name is Lauren and I'm Luis's mother." She explained, handing us small cream coloured Order Of Service cards.

"I am sorry for your loss. Luis was one of the best men I've worked with, even if I was too hard on him." Dad apologised, Lauren smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes "he was proud to be working with you, especially due to your Marine connection, he said you were the best of the best. I also wanted to thank you for your commendation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

"You must be Azalea." She added, her voice was slightly raspy and choked with emotion. "Luis was so proud of his job and he loved you like a little sister." I couldn't help the tears that fell "honey." Lauren cooed, enveloping her up into a supportive hug "I'm so sorry." hugging her back "you have nothing to be sorry for." She assured, releasing me from the embrace "c'mon, the service is just about to start." I nodded and took my dad's outstretched hand.

Luis's parents sat at the front with his three brothers, two adorned in Marine dress blues and the youngest in an all-black suit. A small group of Marines sat with peaked white caps on the opposite side to his parents, staring at the open casket.

Dad and I both took a seat at the back, not wanting to intrude on his family and friends.

I felt like an imposter. An outsider.

I tensed my hand into a fist and released it in a smooth rhythm, I didn't realise how noticeable it was until Dad reached out and uncurled my hand "it's okay." He assured, turning back to the front, I relaxed my hand and laid it flat on my leg which was bouncing relentlessly.

The service began with a familiar song, I felt my lips twitch slightly into a unintentional smile, only Luis would ask for Imagine Dragons. The priest performed his blessings quickly before calling up his older brother. I watched one of the men from the front row make his way to the podium that the priest had just vacated, he looked strikingly similar to Luis apart from he sported the short Marine crew cut that his brother grew out.

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