Chapter 8: Happy Birthday!

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"Az." A voice called, I pulled the covers over my head and cocooned myself in its warmth

"Azalea." The voice repeated, followed by my shoulder being shook. It was like a persistent little mosquito. I rolled over to look at Dad "happy birthday Az." He smiled, lifting the plate that had a small red-velvet cupcake, I blew out the single candle with a large grin.

After I finished the cupcake Dad took the plate "I have a surprise for you. Get ready." He said cryptically. As soon as he left I lunged for my wardrobe, shredding clothes from their hangers in my haste. Dad was leaning against the car, swinging the keys around his finger, I silently sat in the passenger seat, trying to work out what the hell this 'surprise' is.

After a short drive we pulled up at a small building surrounded by fields, the sound of excited dog barks echoed from the building. I spun around with a questioning look and I was returned with a confirming nod, I shot forward, squeezing Dad into a crushing hug "let's go." He laughed.

"Welcome to Man's Best Friend, we are a dog re-homing centre and rehabilitation sanctuary." The woman at the front desk introduced "you must be Gibbs." She addressed my dad, shaking his hand "the dogs have just been fed, so if they're not in the kennels they'll be in the field so you can just go and look at them." She told me with a easy-going smile, gesturing to a half-glass door, I thanked her before heading into the kennel block.

The first block was full of small dogs, puppies and adults. The kennels held everything from Papillons to Shiba Inus but none of them stood out to me, there were many families milling around the puppy section, pointing at the cute little dogs. I felt a pang of sadness for the other animals, who aren't looked at because they're not puppies. I left that building and headed to the enclosure for larger dogs. The pens were empty and I could see that the slides were open, I made my way into the grassy paddock and was greeted by the sight of dogs playing and chasing each other around.

It was heaven.

As I wandered through all of the dogs turned to watch me with a curious expression, dropping toys and ceasing play.

All except one.

A lone dog was laying with its head between its paws under the shade of a large oak tree, staring at the gate with intense concentration. I sat down next to the dog, causing his gaze to flick towards me for a second before dismissing me and returning to the gate. I looked at him closely, they had the most gorgeous colouring and markings, the dog seemed to be a similar breed to a German Shepherd.

Eventually the dog got up and stretched, picking up a rope ball which was hidden between it paws, and scrutinised me with its piercing blue eyes, obviously I passed the inspection as he dropped the heavy ball onto my lap and sat back with an awaiting look in his eyes. I picked it up and launched it across the field, the dog followed suit, it tore along the grass and snatched up the ball and returning with his tail swaying to and fro. This loop was repeated for near on twenty minutes, the dog came and stretched out next to me in the shade, discarding its ball so it could pant.

"I see you've met Tallahassee." The woman from the front desk laughed "you've really had an effect on him." I smiled down at the animal who's head was resting on my lap.

"He's amazing." I complimented.

"That he is." She agreed "he has been in a bit of a depressive state since he came in three weeks ago, didn't like anyone."

"Why did he come in?" I asked,

"Tallahassee was a special case. His owner- a Lance Corporal- brought Tallahassee back from Afghanistan because he formed a bond with the Corporal. The Lance Corporal died in his next tour and the family brought him in, he's been pining for him since, but he seemed to perk up with you."

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