Chapter 36: La Fin

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One week later.


Rapidly, I jabbed the buttons on the controller, I growled as I died, especially as it was the person I just killed. It was six in the morning, and normally I'd be on a run if I was up at this time, but due to the clumpy-ass cast on my foot I couldn't really do that. Voices crackled through the old Turtlebeach headset. "Guest184mXV669qiL there's one heading your way." A males voice said in the set

It was rarely a females.

I switched the sniper for my handgun; Gulch was a great map for sniping.

An enemy ran from behind the rocks, one skilfully aimed headshot later I had the final and the winning point. Also the highest kill number, but that wasn't as important.

I noticed my dad in the doorway, I exited Village and pulled the headset around my neck, "pancakes." I tossed the controller onto the pillow next to me and scooted out of bed.

Whenever Dad made pancakes it was a good day.

A plate with bacon and pancakes sat at an empty space on the table, I dropped into my seat, brandishing my knife and fork I dug in. I moved the bacon off the top and smothered the pancakes with maple syrup. I shovelled a forkful into my mouth, wiping away the remains of the sticky syrup from my chin with the heel of my hand, I noticed Dad rolling his eyes as I gorged on more of the amazing tasting food.

"Aren't you eating?" I asked, loudly swallowing my mouthful.

"I don't think I could eat following your little show. It was like watching a pig eat from a troff."

I stuck my tongue out at him and waggled it around.

Once I had finished I dumped the plate in the sink and turned around, my dad was frowning into his drink, I noticed that his hair had grown longer than I had seen it in a while.

That was probably why he was frowning.

"Go and get it cut." I told him, he looked at me, then, almost unnoticeably, his eyes flicked to the liquor cabinet. "I'm not going to hit the vodka as soon as you leave Dad." I assured "go, you look weird when you don't have it cut." He pretended to swat my head but did pick up his car keys. "I'll be an hour. Tops. Ring me for anything." I watched as Dad shrugged on his coat and exited the door.

When the door shut I felt myself deflate a little, it kinda stung that my own dad thought I would go straight to the alcohol as soon as he left the house.

With a lingering look at the glass doors I moved into the living room and started to clean up the abandoned Monopoly on the coffee table.

For the past few days it has been constant thunderstorms, and Dad and I had pretty much exhausted the list of movies and board games in the house.

Like, yesterday evening, we played two games of Scrabble, then watched Walking Tall and played a game of Monopoly till half ten.

I think Dad misses the boats.

I ran my hands through Tallahassee's soft coat and rubbed just behind the ears "come Talls." I called, he jumped up and followed me upstairs into my room, he laid by my feet as I picked up the controller and joined another game.

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