Chapter 12: Wife Number Five?

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Everyone was finishing up as Ducky entered "hello everyone, are you all finished for the evening?" He asked, securing his hat on top of his head "yeah Duck." Dad informed him, he hadn't said a word since being back in the office. "Do you want me to give you a ride or is Jimmy?"

"Mr Palmer will be escorting me home Jethro, but if it's not too much trouble could you pick me up in passing." Ducky replied, he nodded before indicating for me to follow him as he brushed past everyone.

The car was silent, which was not surprising, and very cold.

Once we were home and I was sure Dad wouldn't overhear me I dialed the only person who would have a chance of getting him to open up, "hello Azalea, tell Jethro I'm nearly ready." Duck told me hastily "it's not about that Duck, it's about Dad himself that I'm calling." I replied, I heard a disgruntled noise on the other end and took that as my cue to carry on "today was Kelly's birthday." I heard a knowing hum in the other end "and Jethro has you worried, I'll talk to him but as you know, anything to do with his emotions are deep down and not often shared." He supplied "thank you Ducky, I'll hitch a ride with someone so you can have some time," I said before ringing off.

I changed into a casual light blue summer dress, the rain last night pushed away a lot of the sweltering heat, leaving a warm but mild evening. I pulled on some white Vans and slid my phone into a concealed pocket in my dress. "Are you ready?" I called into Dad's room, in reply the bathroom door swung open to reveal Dad halfway through shaving. "I'm catching a ride with Ziva. Though Ducky still needs you to pick him up." I explained, he nodded, replacing the razor and drying his face with the towel "the guards are outside if you need anything." He told me as he walked out the door.

I heard his car roar into life and speed off, barely minutes later Ziva's small red Mini pulled up. I squished into the back seat, Ziva had turned into a carpool, and had already picked up Tony and Abby. I was attacked with a hug by Abbs who was already in the backseat next to me.

For the next fifteen minutes I spent some quality time with my head buried in my hands so I didn't see the carnage unfolding as the little car pelted down the roads, narrowly avoiding oncoming collisions with semi truck's.

I may have seen my life flash before my eyes on one occasion.

I felt so grateful to feel earth underneath my feet once a clambered out the back of the car I almost kissed it "have I still got all appendages attached?" Tony questioned, giving himself a quick brush down. Ziva rolled her eyes "if you don't like my driving, why didn't you catch a ride with McGee?" She pointed out as McGee's Porsche pulled into the space next to ours.

Not long after Breena and Palmer pulled in, I gave Breena a hug as I hadn't seen her in just over a month "does anyone know where Gibbs and Ducky are? Do you think Gibbs has killed Duck because he's talked his ear off, disposing the body by shoving him one of his boats, marinating in a barrel of bourbon so he's never found?" DiNozzo speculated, I smirked as Dad was behind him, listening to every word he said.

I watched as Tony's face fell slack as he realised that Dad was there, "I didn't mean it, Boss." In reply he reached forward and headslapped him.

Tony pouted, rubbing his head, but followed the two older men inside due to the prospect of food.

"Welcome to Sushi Capitol, how may I help you?" The waitress at the front asked, Palmer gave details to our reservations, the lady nodded and showed us to the large table. "My name is Kazu and I'll be your server for the evening." She explained, providing us with menus "anything you need just call, I will be back in a moment to collect your drink order." the restaurant was small, spices invaded the air from the open kitchen and the aroma of delicious food made your mouth water.

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