Chapter 13: Gut Feeling

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I watched Az weaved between tables and out the room, I shook my head, and smiled, at her cheekiness.

"Jethro are you coming? No one can flip a dime like you." Duck laughed, clapping me on the shoulder "yeah, I'm gonna make sure Az gets off safe first." I explained, glancing back at the doorway, Ducky nodded, scooping up his coat and securing his tweed fedora on his head.

"Duck." He swivelled around, his hand poised on the brass handle "thanks for the chat." I told him sincerely, Ducky nodded "I was telling the truth. Azalea is not Kelly, neither is she a replacement, she is a gift and your daughter. Your allowed to feel happy and have fun with Azalea without betraying Shannon or Kelly and your allowed to grieve for them, even if the day is there birthday." I looked away as he left.

As time wore on my gut continued to churn; something wasn't right.

My hand reached for the gun at my waist and moved towards the bathrooms. I knocked on the door and called Az's name.

A gunshot rattled the windows and I lunged forward, ducking low to avoid any more shots, once making sure the two waiters were standing by the front window were okay I made my way outside with my gun drawn. I raised my gun at the four people bundling a girl into a silver van, I started to fire at the vehicle, careful not to hit the girl twisting in their grip. "Help!" The girl screeched, I could recognised that voice anywhere, it was Azalea.

I continued to shoot, hitting one in the head, whilst moving forward. The van started, pushing its way through the congested traffic, and headed towards me, I fired repeatedly at the window, before diving to the side when it didn't slow. My shoulder slammed into the asphalt, sending a bolt of pain through my right side, cursing slightly, I stumbled to my feet aiming my gun at the disappearing van.

I ran towards the Dodge, wrenching the door open, an action that brought tears of pain to my eyes from my shoulder, and jamming the key into the ignition. I sped after the van but it had already merged into the traffic.

I pulled into the bar's small parking, the heavy bass music was pouring from the door, I pushed my way through the queue, instinctively showing my badge as I passed the bodyguard.

The room was dark, strobe lighting lit patches of the floor. I was engulfed into the the large throng of bodies, I had to grit my teeth to stop myself swearing at everyone as they bumped into my injured shoulder.

I located DiNozzo and McGee in a booth to the left to the DJ.

"Finally decided to join us Boss?" Tony joked loudly, I surveyed at the array of flipped over and still full shot glasses and beer bottles, I snatched up a shot and downed it, hoping it would ease the burning pain a little.

"McGee, DiNozzo your needed in work." I ordered, they exchanged a look before Tony began to protest like a teenager. "Why, Boss?" He groaned, pouting slightly, I gave him a look. I really didn't have time for this.

Suddenly, I felt cold liquid rush down the nape of my neck, I turned and 'Gibbs' glared at the man behind me who was too drunk to even remember his own damn name but managed to pour a whole pint of Budweiser down my back. I looked back at my two agents, Tony nodded, both snorting slightly with laughter "let's go, Boss." He agreed, pulling at McGee's shirt.

We walked into the empty bullpen, I switched on my screens and monitors, and took my space with four cups of coffee.

I handed both men one each as they began work on the computers. "McGee I want you to pull up footage from the outside of the restaurant. DiNozzo, run every single person associated with the Reynosa's against everyone entering the USA in the past few months, specifically Washington. Also I want you ready with a BOLO to put out on these bastards that are in this van." I ordered, turning back to my desk and grabbing a couple of paracetamol, chasing them down with a swig of coffee.

"As much as I love leaving a bar at short notice to come to work, why are we here?" DiNozzo asked, his large coffee- full of shit he doesn't need- sobering him up quickly. "Az was kidnapped." I stated. There was a thud as a fist connected with metal, I looked over the top of the screen "did you just dent my filing cabinet DiNozzo?" I demanded, he just looked at me, massaging his knuckles. "Wanna walk it off?" I asked, Tony shook his head.

"Boss, we have a problem." McGee called, commanding both mine and Tony's attention. "Go on Probie." DiNozzo urged, peering over McGee's shoulder. "Well I found the van, but I couldn't get a clear view of the number plate so I followed it through the cameras but then I found this. I watched as many silver vans, same make and model, swarmed into the camera before dispersing off into different directions.

I rubbed my hand across my face, pain hitting me like a heatwave. "Go back." I ordered Tim, he rewound the footage "there," I pointed out, noticing the bullet riddled side. McGee followed the silver vehicle until he grabbed a semi readable number plate. "Err, Boss, I need Abby to scrub it 'cause I can't get into her system." Tim called over, I nodded "and you might want to get Ducky in to check your shoulder." DiNozzo added. I sent Ducky a text telling him to get everyone here.

It was only ten minutes before everyone else had assembled in the office, DiNozzo explained what had happened and the my were sent to work.

Ducky made his way to the lift, I picked up my coffee and followed him. "Hello Jethro, I hope there is no body to examine, so why am I here?" He asked, unlocking autopsy, I slid onto a slab and revealed my shoulder, the pain of it had now subsided to a throb, and was beginning to bruise.

Ducky's eyebrows furrowed as he inspected the area. "I have to say Jethro, you really did a number here. My diagnosis is you've pulled, maybe torn, a ligament or two. The bruising is mostly superficial though. I would advise you to go to a hospital-" I cut him off "no time Duck, not till Azaleas back." He nodded "I assumed you'd say that." I was tossed a ice pack, then some high dosage pills "keep it iced." The ME instructed. I nodded thanks.

Music was pounding throughout the lab, Abby was shuffling around as she typed, I dropped a Caf-Pow! on her desk, followed by another two, to catch her attention. "Gibbs." She yelled, bundling me into a hug, her eyes were red. She'd been crying.

"What have you got for me?" I demanded. "Tony has already put out a BOLO on the van." She told me "I have every associate know to the Reynosa Cartel in Washington." I watched as twelve pictures appeared on the screen. "I want every file and every detail on these son of a bitches." I growled, kissing her temple, and leaving.

Once I was safely secured in the lift I felt all my energy dissipate. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, memories of Kelly's death and Azalea took over my mind. The date wasn't a coincidence, Rule 39, Azalea was my purpose.

I couldn't break my promise.

I had to find her.

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