Chapter 2: The Uninvited Guests

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I was woken up by the annoying beeps of my bedside alarm, I shot my hand out and fumbled for the off switch, I turned it off by knocking it off of the table. "Geez." I muttered tiredly, as I slipped out of the warm comfort of my bed, I grabbed my towel and took my normal morning shower.

I braided my hair into a fishtail braid as I walked into my room, I flipped the damp hair over my shoulder and hunted the wardrobe to find something to wear, deciding on a pair of black high-waisted jeans and a loose grey t-shirt, I grabbed my tan leather boots and slipped them over my feet.

With my ID card secure in my pocket I unhooked my backpack and shoved all my textbooks and folders in, along with my pencil case and notepad.

I walked downstairs, to a unusually quiet living room, I peeped around the corner and spotted Dad, asleep at the dining room table, papers and a dozen coffee mugs scattered over the wooden surface. I couldn't help but smile.

I sneaked quietly into the kitchen and plucked the whipped cream out of the fridge and sprayed an considerable amount into his open palm.

"Dad wake up, it's half seven." I said quietly, he grunted and ran his cream covered hand over his face, he scrunched up his nose into a grimace.

"Morning Dad." I chuckled.

He glared at me with a raised eyebrow. "What's the time?" Dad muttered.

"Half seven." I replied "didn't you go to bed last night?"

He shook his head "no, a emergency case came up. I'll drop you off on the way to work, grab some breakfast." Dad ordered as he jumped up the stairs.

I sighed and made my way into the kitchen, swapping the whipped cream for a pot of diced mango.

Dad walked in around half a hour later, he lobbed the towel he was using to dry his hair in the washing machine and grabbed his car keys.

"Lets go."

We pulled up outside the school, Penn Academy, a school for military and federal families.

I pulled my bag from the backseat "I'll see you later, Dad." I said, wrapping him in a quick side hug, I opened the door but Dad held my wrist and stopped me. I sat back in my seat and he fished out my phone from his pocket and placed it in my lap, I sent him a questioning look "rule three." Dad stated "never be unreachable." I recited with a smile as I pocketed my phone "I want your iPad though, for two weeks, thanks to the stunt you pulled this morning." Dad said and I groaned "I'll see you later Az." He said, kissing the side of my head and grabbing his ringing phone from the cup holder "McGee." Dad affirmed, I took this as a cue to leave and I hopped out of the vehicle.

The reception was bustling with pupils, I took out my ID card and swiped it, signing myself in, I pushed my way into the halls and made my way to the benches near my homeroom, a quiet spot that no one really knew was there.

"Hi, guys." I called, everyone was there already.

"Hey, Azalea, how's the ribs?" Willow asked as I pulled myself onto the table.

"Same old, I'm not allowed to do track this week."

"Coach ain't gonna be happy." Becca and Willow said in unison.

"I know." I agreed "by the way guys, you gotta stop doing that."

The bell rang to signal homeroom "I'll see you guys later." I hollered after Willow and Kyle, Becca and I linked arms and made our way inside.

Our homeroom was a art studio, Becca and I took our seats at the back as the schools' speakers crackled to life "students of Penn Academy I welcome you back for a final week until the long summer break..." principle Winstead drawled in his southern accent, he droned on about school meals and the football and soccer teams.

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