Chapter 1: First day second murder

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Chapter 1:

First day, second murder







"Extra pair of panties?"

"Check. Wait! What? Mom!"

"Sorry honey but I need to take extra precautions, you're a senior today and I don't want to watch my baby girl grow up into a strong woman."

"Mom, I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself. I've been doing this my entire life, I think I'm an expert at hiding my identity now."

Yes, it's true. I go to school wearing a blonde wig and makeup. The truth is, I'm a werewolf. There's no hiding it. I go to an "all human" school so obviously if they see my hair color I will most likely get stomped on by giant feet of those egoistic humans. They'd believe I'm a grandma. That's what happened to my mom...

We both share many things in common, my mom and I. Our hair color is the main thing. Our white hair stands out from everyone, not even one of my brothers have white hair. It's so white you'd think snow dyed it itself. I also have her perfect complexion, her face is entirely clear, mine too.

"I know honey, but still. I didn't get to be a senior, instead I had a crazy adventure all because of my hair color. I just don't want that to happen to you." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll make you proud." I smiled and she replied with a smile.

"Good, I don't want you becoming like your brothers, your dad's already got them hooked up with that crazy video game. And you call them adults." She chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I do have pretty weird brothers but in the end I know they'd risk anything for me since I'm their only baby sister.

"It's okay mom, in their minds they still think they're teenagers, just let them live their fantasy." She nodded and let out a big sigh.

"I'm so proud of you Ellla!" She cried out and hugged me tight against her.

"I know mom, I know." I managed to breathe out under the intense suffocation of my mom's embrace.

"Alright, now leave before you get late." She wiped away a fake year and I rolled my eyes.

They say my mother was a very serious girl in her teenage years, now I think she's more of the dramatic type. She told me there was a moment when she didn't tolerate humor and my dad was a stupid idiot. He still is but he's loved. There's a difference.

"Right, but mom?"

"Yes honey."

"Can you let go of me first?"

"Oh right, whoops, I should really let you walk out of your room, alone, like the big girl you are." She pulled away and I walked out of my room. I heard her fake a cry and I chuckled.

The day my mother will really let me be will be the day I die.

I walked down the stairs and heard cries coming from the living room.

"I was this close! But you ruined it!"

"That's what happens when you let your guard down!"

"I didn't let it down! You cheated!"

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