info for the reader

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For those of you that don't know, a Lucid Dream is a dream you have at night but you can control what you're doing, where you're going and who all is with you while knowing that you are dreaming.

Yes, it sounds crazy but it is true.

It takes a lot of practice and time but it can happen if you really try.

Sometimes people get addicted because you can literally do ANYTHING. Yes, that means you can have sex and you're aware that you're dreaming so it feels real.

They can be dangerous, sometimes, because you can forget what is reality and what's fake.

But it's also very good for the creativity side of your brain.

If you are interested in doing a lucid dream, look it up. I'm not explaining how to do it in this book.

I'm taking a lot of time and putting a lot of effort into this book so I hope you guys enjoy(:

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Instagram- @DolanSzn
Twitter- @DolanSzn
(Dolan Season)

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