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Ethan went home before his parents got home from lunch to hang up the camera that my mom has had in our attic.

My mom and I sat on the computer, watching and waiting for his parents to get home. His arms were spread out, holding onto the kitchen counter. His head was down but I could see how big his breaths were.

He's so nervous, but so am I.

We heard a door open then shut through the camera. Ethan's head shot up as he lifted himself off the counter.

His parents walked into the kitchen with a couple of bags in their hands.

"Oh Ethan, look who decided to finally come home." His mom put the bags down onto the counter then crossing her arms.

"Where've you been, bud?" His dad aggressively put his hand onto Ethan's shoulder.
Ethan didn't talk, his head stayed looking down.

His dad scoffed, turning away from him. "Still a pussy just like when you were 4."

"Come on Ethan! Where've you been? Gabbys?" She laughed looking at her husband.

Ethan looked up slowly, then nodded his head.

His moms face went blank, "What the fuck did you just say?" Her hands attached to his face, holding him tightly so she could look at him.

I heard Ethan wheep a tiny bit.
"She isn't real." Her mom jerked his head to the side then let go.

Ethan held onto his face with one of his hands. "Yes She is." He mumbled.
"Wanna say that louder?" His dad got close to him.
"Gabby is real!" He defended aggressively.

His dads face became furious. His hand grabbed Ethan's neck, keeping a tight hold, also making me flinch at the screen.

My breathing became small light breaths, almost like I had bread stuck inside my throat.

"She is one of your dreams you fucking loser! She's not real. You can't date a fake person! She's a hallucination." He slammed Ethan into a counter.

Before I even had time to think about what Ethan was going to do, he spit into his dads face.

"That's it!" His dad yelled while slamming his hand into the counter. "Get the cigarette box babe!" His dad yelled to his wife.

I felt my heart drop.

"No! Please no! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Ethan screamed. His voice had so much scare and nervousness inside of it.

His mom handed the dad a cigarette and he pulled a lighter out of his pants.

He put it in between his lips, lighting the end of it with one hand while the other hand was still around Ethan's neck.

He took a huff of it and let out a puff in Ethan's face. His dad yanked the shirt of Ethan's neck down and placed the end of the cig onto Ethan's chest, pushing down hard.

I jumped a little, feeling a tiny burn. Almost like a pinch on my chest.

Ethan's scream sounded like he was getting murdered. I felt my whole body clinch and my heart-throbbed for him. A tear fell from my eye.

"Little prick!" His dad screamed at him. His large hand grabbed Ethan by the neck and slammed the side of his face into the counter top as he held him down.

I began to feel an ache on the side of my head. Almost like I could feel what he's feeling.

His head slamming the counter sounded like a watermelon dropped onto the counter it was so loud. My air became tight and water filled my eyes making my vision blurry.

I slammed my fists down onto the counter and started walking away fast.

"Honey!" My mom called for me but I spirited up stairs.
I can't believe we are just letting him get hurt like this. I can't just stand and watch him get hurt.

I dug my head into my pillow letting a couple tears fall down my face. "He doesn't deserve this." I mumble into my pillow.

I began to feel dizzy. I opened my eyes and leaned up onto my elbows, my vision was becoming blurry and dark. What the hell?

I stood up from my bed, walking and trying to stand up straight. What's going on?

I fell over and I was out.


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