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I tightly gripped the sides of my surf board, pushing my body up onto my feet. Gliding across the wave, feeling the ocean breeze, the smell of salty water and the beautiful sound of the wave crashing into itself.

I looked around the ocean around me, noticing Ethan isn't here. My eyebrows narrowed in disappointment. I jumped off my surf board and let the wave pass me.

The cold water around my face was so refreshing. I came up, inhaling the air.

"Took you long enough." I smiled in Ethans direction. He was standing in the water, more towards shore, watching me.

"Sorry, I got here as fast as I could babe." He bent down onto his knees letting the water rise up to his chest.

I swam over to him, grasping onto his neck while his huge hands wrapped around my waist. Our foreheads pressed together as I wrapped my legs around his torso. His eyes didn't look away from mine while his precious cheekbones peeled through his perfect skin.

I leaned in, giving him a quickly kiss, "how've you been?"

He shrugged, "eh, Ive been okay." His eyes widened after, "but I'm perfect now that I'm with you."

I blushed deeply looking over my shoulder.

"Don't turn away from me." His hand gripped my face, turning me back towards him.

I turned towards him giving him a jokingly stern look. We stared into each other's eyes as if we were having a staring contest.

The corners of his lips started to curve causing me to smile.

I was caught off guard when I heard a ringing in my ear.

I looked around confused.

"What's wrong?" His eyes widened as nervousness filled his face.

"Do you hear that ringing?" I scooped my finger inside each ear but it wouldn't stop.

I looked at Ethan again and he was frozen. Suddenly, his skin started to evaporate like a gas. The last thing I remember is him drifting into the sky, then the world turned black.


My annoying alarm clock abruptly woke me up. "Ugh!" I hit my fist on the off button until it finally shut off.

I rolled out of bed, put on some clothes and headed down stairs.

"Good morning." My mom greeted as she set a plate of eggs at the breakfast table.

"Good morning." I greeted back.

"I'm gonna get straight to it, did you have a dream?" She put her hands on her hips.

I nodded my head without saying anything, just took a bite of my eggs.

She groaned and put her hands over her face.

God when is she gonna give it a rest, can't she see I'm happier this way? They are just dreams she's such s buzz kill.

"Gabby, I think it's time we have you start taking pills." She told me with hope in her eyes.

I wasn't a fan of the idea, "No."

"Gabby, this boy you're seeing, he's not real! You're becoming attached to someone who isn't living." She pleaded.

"It feels real. You wouldn't understand." I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"You're changing, you might not see it but you are! We can get you on depression pills to make you more happy and then antibiotics to stop the dreams. Please Gabby I'm desperate." Her voice cracked as if she was going to cry.

She doesn't understand my connection with Ethan, it's too strong to make me stop dreaming so the pills wouldn't even work.

I let out a sigh, "We can try them I guess."
My moms head shot up in shock that I actually said yes.

"Hah!" She clapped her hands together. "Okay! We can go to the doctors tomorrow!"

I rolled my eyes and finished the rest of my breakfast.


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