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I walked downstairs contemplating on how I was going to tell my mom about, Ethan.

"Hi honey! Grab some breakfast!" She sent me a huge smile. When she looked at me, her smile dropped. "What's wrong?"

I snapped back into reality, "oh, um nothing." I rubbed my lips with my finger tips.

"Gabby." She looked so nervous, "are you having the dreams again?" Her eyes got wide.

"No, it's not that." I shook my head.
She walked over to me and crossed her arms, "well what's wrong?" Her sweet voice worried.

"I've been seeing, Ethan." I looked up into her eyes.
She let out a breath of disappointment, closing her eyes, "so you have been dreaming."
"No mom." I said sternly.

"Then what are you talking about?" Stress filled her facial expression.
"In real life. I saw him. It's really him. I don't know how it's possible but he had the same dreams I did." A warm feeling swarmed my heart.

She looked at me in disbelief, "hm."
"Mom I'm not kidding." I begged for her to believe me.

"I just don't see how that's possible, Gabby. It has to be a hallucination." She shook her head turning back to the stove.

A heat of anger took over me. I grabbed my backpack throwing it over my shoulder and walking through the front door, being sure to slam it on the way out.

I got out my phone to text Ethan.

me: hey can you come over after school? my mom won't be home.

ethan: of course I miss you already

me: how cute(;

ethan: cutes my middle name baby

me: you're such a loser

ethan: tf you mean loser? I'm cool asf

me: best joke of the year

ethan: wow I'm hurt

me: don't cry over it

ethan: only thing you'll be crying over is me when I'm inside you

me: ooooo that switch pretty fast

ethan: I'll see you later babe

me: <3

I smiled to myself walking into school, immediately Maria caught up with me. "Hey bitch."

I turned my phone off, "I need to ask you something." I told her.
"Go for it." She held onto the straps of her backpack.

"After school, do you wanna come over and meet, Ethan?" I stuck my lip in between my teeth hoping she would agree to meet him.

She thought to herself, "hmm."
"Please for me." I whined.
"As long as I don't third wheel, I'd be more than happy to meet this mystery man." She smirked.

My teeth gleamed through my mouth. "Yay!" I pulled her into a side hug.
"I have to go to the grocery store to get dinner for my mom after school but I'll be over after." She explained to me.

I nodded my head understanding.


"Hey!" I pulled Ethan into my house.
"Jesus, why so excited?" He laughed readjusting his sweatshirt.

"I have important news." I brought him into the kitchen.

He walked into my pantry, grabbing a bag of Doritos.

"So, I invited Maria, my best friend over to come meet you." I smiled while he opened the bag of chips.

He paused, his eyes shifting from me down to the bag, then proceeding to open the bag. "Oh."

I raised my eyebrow, confused. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, "nothing."

I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his torso, "baby..."

"What." He said bluntly.

I unwrapped my arms from him, "god damn." I walked away and sat onto the couch.

I heard him follow, then sitting right next to me. "Look I'm fine. Okay? Really!" He smiled.

I raised my eyebrow not saying anything.

"Seriously Gabby, I'm fine." He put his hand onto my cheek.

The touch of his hand made me warm, made me happy. He smirked, leaning in and kissing my lips gently.

He pulled me into his arms as I cuddled into his chest.

After a while of watching tv, I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up, "Maria's here!"

I ran down the hallway and to the door. When I opened it, she sent me a large smile. "Hey." Pulling me into a hug.

"Hey!" I hugged back. "I'm so excited for you two to finally meet." I told her as I locked the door.

"Then let me see him!" She giggled.
I took her hand and led her into down the hall. My face dropped when I reached the living room. He was gone. What?

I stopped walking and let go of Maria's grip.

"Uhh, so where is he?"


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