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"Do you want me to come with you? Or do you want to go by yourself?" My mom put her hand onto my shoulder.

"I've got this." I took in a deep breath as I opened the door.

The room was dark. Only a couple lights flashing on a couple of lifeless patients that passed away. I felt my body become very cold as a creepy feeling came over me. I'm in a room full of dead people.

Slowly, I walked to the table that said 'ETHAN DOLAN'.

He was covered by a blanket from head to toe. I looked back at my mom through the window and she nodded her head signaling me to do it.

Slowly, I pulled down the blanket all the way to his torso. My heart instantly jumped in shock. He's beautiful.

I don't think I've ever seen a human so pretty.

He has the most perfect and soft complexion; my finger tips slowly traced along his cheek.
His long eyelashes rested on the top of his under-eye.
His soft, almost curled hair swooped to the side perfectly.
His pink swollen lips looked so kissable.
His eyebrows pointed directly making him intimidating.

I looked down his body seeing his amazing muscular figure. Abs more defined than I've ever seen, biceps were huge and even his collar bone had tone to it.

My eyes spotted something on him that made my whole body shiver. The cigarette burn.

Exactly identical to mine. I knew this was all true now. I felt myself become sorry for him.

Just by looking and him and knowing the information I know, I knew I cared for him, and I do now too.

"I want to remember you." I mumnbled to his body. I let out a sigh knowing there's no way he'd ever come back to life.

I put the cover back over his body and walked out to my mom. Her lip quivered as she looked at me.
"He didn't deserve what happened to him." I wrapped my arms around her. "I want to remember him so badly." I told her.

"It's okay honey, one day you guys will be together again." She softly smiled as she pulled away from the hug.

We both went home and started watching some movies. I laid on my blanket on one couch while my mom ate her popcorn on the other.

I couldn't help but try and think of ways to see him. I can feel it so deep down in me, like something is biting me but I don't know where it's coming from.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." I told my mom as I stood up.
"Okay, get a good night sleep." She smiled at me shyly. She's still so beat up about Ethan's death, it's heartbreaking.

I grabbed a water from my fridge then walked down my hallway, grabbing a blanket from the closet.

"Gabby." I heard a whisper. My head quickly shot up. My heart started racing. I looked around and saw no one. My hand smacked the light switch and the lights went on. No one.

I quickly scattered to my room and jumped onto my bed. What the fuck was that? My heart was racing as suspected built up inside of me.

I laid down into my bed and went onto my phone trying to ignore everything.

After an hour, I was scrolling on instagram when i jumped from my phone dinging.

I looked at the top of my screen and it was a text message.

unknown: go to bed

What the fuck? Okay at first I thought I was hearing things but now this is getting freaky.

me: who is this??

unknown: sleep


I put my phone onto my dresser and covered myself in my covers, a little freaked out from what was happening tonight.

I rested in quietness for a while but it felt like it was soaking me up. I couldn't go to bed. It's like I felt the uneasy inner feeling of loneliness.

I looked to the right side of my bed and saw a different colored pillow than mine. It was black inside of my grey ones. I put my head by it and could smell almost a cologne mixed with the smell of sunsets of sunsets had a scent.

I knew that's where Ethan slept because of the fact it smells like boys, it smells good though.

I grabbed the pillow and wrapped my arms around it, holding it close to my body. I felt warm and immediately fell asleep.


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