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"I mean it seems smart, Gabby." My best friend Maria gave out her opinion.
"I can't describe it. It's like he's real, he loves me." I explained to her at the lunch table.

"Maybe you're just attached to the fact that someone is showing a love interest in you, since the boys here are pigs." She took a bite out of her apple.

I sunk into my chair, thinking about what she just said. Maybe I am addicted to the thought of having a love.

"You should just try the pills and if they don't works then you'll get to see Ethan, if they do work, you'll get to be happy. Either way you win." She shrugged.


"These pills should help with the brain cells on seeing what is real and what is not, so when she dreams from now on, she will not be aware that she is dreaming, like it normally is for humans." The doctor handed my mom an orange container filled with blue pills.

"Take these once every night before you go to sleep and you'll be all set," He gave my mom a smile. "They should help with the depression as well. More of a happier outlook on life and on things."

Goodbye Ethan. I thought to myself. Maybe this is for the better?

"Thank you so much Dr." My mom shook his hand tightly.

"Yes, but I must say, there's a slim chance of side effects. Nothing to worry about, just some minor hallucinations, drowsiness in the mornings, maybe small head aches? Nothing serious." He shook his head not really caring about it.

"Perfect, thank you!" My mom stuck the pills into her purse.

As we drove home my mom wouldn't shut up about how these will make me better and blah blah blah!

"Remember, one every night, Gabby. We really need to try this okay?" She assured me before I shut the passenger door.

"Okay okay." I rolled my eyes a little and walked inside.

I set the pills onto my nightstand while I watched some Netflix.


'1:38am' I read on the clock. Holy shit. I really know how to binge watch shows!

I turned off my tv and looked at my night stand, spotting the pills. I let out a huff and grabbed the container, opening it. I let 1 pill spill onto my hand and examined its round blue shape.

Grabbing my water bottle, I poured some water into my mouth then tossing the pill inside and swallowing in one gulp.

I put my water back down onto the night stand and turned off my lap, then readjusting myself in my sheets.

As I sat in silence for 15 minutes, I could feel myself fading off to sleep.


*beep beep beep*

My fist slammed onto my alarm clock, making it turn off. I opened the folds of my eyes, slowly, then holding onto my head.

"Doctor was right about the drowsiness." I complained. "Wait, oh my god." I sat up in realization. "I can't remember my dream."

I was completely shocked, it's been so long since I haven't dreamt. Wow.


"Hey, do you wanna grab coffee after school?" Maria rested her body onto the locker next to mine.

"Sure, I'll just meet you there since we both have our cars." I stuffed a couple text books into my locker.

"Sounds great." She blew me a kiss before she walked away.


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