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"I'll get a grande iced mocha." My eyes scanned the menu of Starbucks.
"That'll be 4.34." The workers lips moved into a smile.
I dig through my wallet finding my crushed dollar bills and handed them to her.

Once I got my change I just tossed it into the tip jar. "Thank you!" The girl at the counter looked into the jar.

"Of course." I simply said then walked to the table meg was at and took a seat in front of her.

"So, wanna throw a party this weekend or what?" She grinned taking a sip from her straw.

I dropped my jaw dramatically, "bitch you thought, why don't you throw one?" I laughed sarcastically.

"My moms home, you really want the devil to be at our party?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Oouu." I puckered my lips, "wouldn't want that."
"Mhm." She hummed as she crosses her arms onto the table.

"So, your house it is?" She smiled, flickering her eyelashes.

"Why do you want to go to a party so bad?" I asked her.
"Cause I'm tryna get some dick." She licked her lips then bitting the bottom one and winking at me.

I laughed at her foolishness, shaking my head towards the window.

What the fuck. My face went blank and I felt my heart drop. "What the fuck." I slowly got up from my seat, still staring out the window.

"What?" Meg put her drink onto the table.

"Hold on." I slowly jogged out of the cafe door, hearing the bell ring on my way out.

I looked across the street and couldn't believe my eyes. "Ethan?" I whispered to myself.

The boy looked exactly like Ethan from the side. I crossed the street without looking either way, too distracted to even notice.

I walked up to the boy who was turned around and on his phone, I tapped on his shoulder twice causing him to turn around.

I felt my heart freeze and my jaw dropped at the sight. It was Ethan.

"H-hi." I could hardly get out.
He smiled looking down at me, "hi there." He giggled.

All I could think about it how much I just wanted to hug him. He seemed different though, does he not remember me?

"Do you remember me by any chance." I squinted my eyes a bit.
"Hmm." He hummed scanning my facial features. "Not that I remember."

I felt my heart sink, my face went loose. Of course he doesn't.

I think he noticed my change in mood, "I'm sorry. Should I know?" He asked concerned.
"Well, technically no I guess." I answered letting out a huff of air.

"Oh." I could tell he was beyond confused by this point. "What's your name?"
"Gabby. My names Gabby."

"Well Gabby, do you wanna go get some pizza? I was supposed to meet my brother here but he's 20 minutes late." He chuckled.

My head shot back up, "Yeah, sure." I smiled softly at him.

He nodded his head in the direction of the pizzeria, "lets go."
I followed next to him as we walked along the side walk. How is this possible? Ethan is someone I made in my dream? How am I here with him right now? I was fully freaking out inside.

We sat down inside and got our pizza.
"So, how did you know my name?" He took a bite into his pizza.

Shit. I thought to myself as what I should say. "I've seen you around before, it was a while back but I think we talked a couple times." I lied.

"I'm so confused. I don't know how I could forget a face like yours." He then quickly covered his mouth with his fist, then looked down realizing he said that out loud.

I blushed deeply at his words.

"Sorry I-" he said embarrassed but I cut him off. "Don't worry, you're pretty cute yourself." I flirted taking a bite into my pizza.

His lips moved into a pucker as he watched me eat, he gazed at me.

Ruining the moment, I felt my phone buzz.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where the fuck did you run off to? You just ran outside and left!" Meg yelled into the phone.

"Meg, I'll explain later, I've got some stuff to tell you..." I looked up at Ethan while he was admiring his pizza.

"Meet me at your house in 10." She hung up.


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