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"So you really saw him?" Meg raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
I nodded my head, "Yeah." I answered in shock. "Yeah I did."

She scoffed, "It just seems so unbelievable. Ethan is someone you created in your dreams Gabby. How did you see him?"

I groaned leaning off of her bed. "Trust me! I don't know either! But I'd know him anywhere Meg. I love him."

"No." She said sternly. "You are in love with the imagine of Ethan that was in your head. This Ethan could be a completely different person."

"No. He's not." I smiled to myself. "He's the exact same. He's brave, he's compassionate, he's perfect."

"Ethan sounds perfect. I need to see it to believe it." She giggled.

"You'll meet soon." I smiled at her.
My smile quickly faded in realization. "I didn't get his number. How would I ever find him again." My face frowned.

"If it's actually him, you'll run into him again, Gabby." She rubbed her hand on my back to comfort me.

"I think I'm gonna go home for a while, sorry for ditching you earlier." I grabbed my stuff and got off her bed.
"No it's okay, I understand." She smiled before opening the door for me.


A week passed and I felt my heart throbbing more and more just thriving for Ethan's presence. I haven't seen him in a week and I just want to see him.

I woke up more tired than usual. Stayed up late just thinking about if I actually saw him a week ago or if that was just me hallucinating.

I yawned covering my mouth, I needed some coffee. I got ready throwing on a purple sweater with black ripped jeans and some vans.

Walking down stairs, I told my mom I was going to get coffee. I placed a kiss on her cheek and grabbed started walking.

It was quite cold this morning, thank god for the sweater. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep my body warm.

I spotted the coffee shop and walked into the store. My eyes scanned the menu, not sure what to get. Maybe I'll get hot chocolate since it's so cold.

I ordered my hot chocolate and went to a small table and pulled out my phone. I put the cup up to my lips as the hot liquid poured onto my tongue.

"Hi." I heard a soft voice speak. My eyes shifted to the person sitting in front of me. I put the cup down, my heart jumped out of my chest.

"Hi Ethan." I rubbed the back of my neck as a pink layer of skin covered my cheeks.
"I didn't think I'd see you again." He took a sip of his drink.

"What makes you say that?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I came here everyday to see if you were here." He blushed looking down.

I could feel my stomach tingling as my hands got warm. "Stalker." I joked with him.
"Maybe I am." The corners of his mouth curved into a smirk.

I giggled lightly then stopped, "While I'm thinking about it, can I have your number?"

The smile faded off his face as his finger tapped his cup uncomfortably. "I don't know if that's a good idea." His eyes trailed off.

"Oh." I answered shortly. I didn't want to get into his business and ask why.

His eyes shot back up, probably feeling bad. "It's not you! It's me. I just- I don't know. I think I should go." He seemed really hurt. Is it something that I did?

He stood up quickly, walking out the door.

You know what? No. I'm not letting him just walk away, even if he doesn't remember me, I love him.

I got up quickly following him, pushing the door open.
He was walking down the side walk. My feet started moving quickly, chasing after him.

Once I caught up, My hand gripped his wrist causing him to turn around.
He made eye contact with me, looking startled.
Before I could even think, I smashed my lips into his. It took him a second to process but he kissed back. Even though the air was cold, his lips made my body warm. This was different then our past kisses. This was real.

He pulled away staring me in the eye. "I knew it." He spoke after a while.

"Knew what?" I looked from his lips to his eyes.

"That you were real. My mom didn't believe me." A gloss took over his eyes as one side of his lip curved up. He looked at me so sensitively.

"What do you mean?" I was still confused on his words.

"I do remember you, Gabby. I remember everything. I started taking pills, a side-effect was hallucinations and I needed to make sure I wasn't hallucinating you." His voice cracked.

"How do you know you're not hallucinating me? How do we know this all isn't a hallucination?" I questioned him.

"The kiss. It was so different then the dreams. It was real, I felt it everywhere." I placed my hand onto his face knowing that this was all real.

"How is it possible? We both dreamed of each other, we created each other. It was fake. Now it's real?" He bit into his bottom lip, confused as ever.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining. I missed you so much." I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

"I love you." I heard his warm voice speak into my sweater.

"I love you too." I smiled into his sweatshirt that smelt just like him.


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