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"I know I look stupid, Maria please believe me I'm not crazy." My eyes got wide, scared that she was gonna think I'm going insane.

"Gabby, this shit just doesn't add up." She walked up to me. "I think you're just hallucinating. The doctor did say that was a side-effect right?" She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No." I pushed her hand off my shoulder. "He's real. I know he's real." I defended.

"Gabby, I think you should get help. Maybe, stop taking the pills and see if he really is real." She let out a sigh.

"When I kiss him, it's like he's inside me. It's real. In the dreams I could never remember how his lips felt. I feel it here." I put my forehead into my hands.

"Well, if he decides he actually wants to meet me, you know where I'm at." She looked disappointed.

I know she doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm going crazy. I'm not. I know Ethan's real.

me: where are you???

ethan: brother called, had to leave.

me: bullshit

ethan: it's just not a good time gabby.

me: you were fine till I mentioned meeting someone. what's wrong?

ethan: Jesus Christ could you stop talking about it? I'm not in the mood. I have to go.

I felt my heart crackle a little bit. Why is he being so rude all of a sudden?

___ 1 week later ___

Ethan and I haven't talked since that night about a week ago. I didn't know what to do or say. Not being with him and having people around me tell me I'm hallucinating is starting to make me think that he could just be a hallucination.

I walked down stairs in my underwear and a large t-shirt, knowing my mom wasn't home.
Opening the fridge I searched for food but desperately failed.

Three knocks on my front door startled me. I looked down at my pantless legs but still proceeded to walk to the front door. I looked trough the peep hole and saw, Ethan.

I was nervous to open the door. What if I'm hallucinating. I squeezed my eyes shut then open, he was still there.
I decide to open the front door, what does he want?

His face looks surprised that I opened the door, "Gabby." He stepped forward.
"Hi." I softly answered.

I was honestly so happy he was here. His presence makes me glow.

"I am so sorry. Like beyond words." His eyebrows raised; he looked desperate.
Without answering, I opened my door for him to walk in.

He stepped through the doorway and I shut the door behind him.

I felt a grip around my wrist and I was spun around, falling into his chest.
He smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's okay." I answered into his chest. "How about you make it up to me." I pulled away.

A little nervousness filled in his face. "How so?"

"Come over for dinner tonight. My mom will cook some chicken and mashed potatoes, your favorite." I winked at him.

A tiny smile peaked onto his face. "Okay." His voice a bit shaky.

"Thank you." I pulled him in for another hug.

"Anything for you love." I felt his chin on top of my head.


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