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A couple weeks have passed, everything's stayed the same. Ethan hasn't been ready to meet my mom or to meet Meg but I'm not rushing him into anything.

The only thing that's changed is my love for Ethan. It's grown drastically. Ever since i found out about the abuse he's been going through, we've gotten much closer.

He trusts me with his life and that compacts my heart even more. I'm his everything, I'm all he has. Same for me, he's all I need and all I want.

I've been begging him to show the police what his parents do to him but he's too scared to do that. He thinks his parents will come after him and attack him.

Back and fourth, back and fourth. My hands glided through Ethan's hair. We sat on my couch while my mom was out grocery shopping .

My opposite hand gentle glided over Ethan's chest; the burns to be specific. The touch of my fingers cause his whole body to flinch as his eyes shot open.

"I won't hurt you." I calmly stated removing my hand from his body. His saddened eyes drooped as they looked at me, then closing again.

Trying to change the subject, I asked, "Wanna make me a sandwich?" I couldn't keep my eyes off of his chest.

He let out a sigh, "make your own sandwich you lazy ass." His eyes stayed closed but his raspy laugh spoke for his actions.

The lock on my front door started twisting; Ethan's eyes shot open.
I felt my heart start to beat fast.

Ethan sat up quickly, but it was too late for him to hide. My mom walked into the front door with all of her work bags in hand.

Her eyes immediately landed onto Ethan; jaw dropped.
Ethan and I froze just staring at my mom.

She slowly walked towards us as she dropped her bags out of her hands, "You.." she pointed to Ethan.

We both got up onto our feet as my mom got close to us. "Is this Ethan?" She stuttered.
I nodded my head and her eyes got wide.

Taking my eyes off my mom, I looked to Ethan. Terror filled his face as his body shook in fear. I gently intertwined my fingers with his causing him to look down at me. He calmed down a little, not much though.

"Impossible." My mom scanned him.
"I told you. I told you he was real." I spoke to my mom.

"I'm so sorry, Gabby. Oh my god what a terrible mom I've been." Her hand covered over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, Ethan! I'm so sorry where are my manners!" My moms hand shot out for Ethan to shake, but instead, he flinched.

My moms hand quickly stopped as she was confused. I watched as her eyes scanned his body; his burn marks.

"Oh my god, who did this to you?" Her hand lightly touched a burn mark causing Ethan to shove her hand away from him. His eyes grew wide as he feared her.

The fact that he is this terrified of human contact breaks my heart. He was hurt so badly I can't even imagine it.

My mom stood there in shock. "Mom, we need to talk."


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