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"I'll have an apple." I smiled to the kind old man.
"That will be one dollar." He sent me a crooked smile.

My cheeks flushed realizing I had no money, before he could even think, I shot myself into the air flying ten stories high and landing on top of the roof of a building.

I giggled looking over the edge and down at the man.

"You're pretty smooth." A voice startled me.

I turned my head quickly, there was a boy with almost dirty blond hair, green eyes and some smooth skin with a couple of freckles over it.

"What are you doing up here?" I put my apple into my hand bag.

"I've been watching you for a little while now, i knew you were gonna steal that apple the minute you stepped foot onto the block." He walked next to me, bending down to put his elbows down onto the edge. "I'd say you need to change your game plan if I do say so myself." He smirked looking up at me.

I scoffed, "It's a little creepy isn't it? You following around a girl?" I crossed my arms.

"I wouldn't call it following." He leaned off of the ledge. "Id call it..." He put his hand into his chin. "Watching from afar."

I rolled my eyes as I started walking away, "wait wait wait wait wait!" He caught up with me holding onto my arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be creepy." He looked me dead in the eye. I couldn't break eye contact with him. Something was pulling me in.

I shook it off, "look kid, you're not being creepy. Trust me you following me doesn't bother me... actually it's how my last boyfriend and I met." I looked down to my feet.

"Then what's wrong?" He asked me.

I avoided the question, "why are you trying to talk to me anyways?"

"Because I know you're real." He spoke causing me to pause. "I know you're not just a dream."

"H-how? Do you know that? Does that mean you're real?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, "lets go talk over coffee?" He held his hand out for me to grab.

I let out a big sigh then grabbed it. We pushed off of our feet, jumping off the building and landing softly onto the ground.

We both walked into the coffee store and sat at a cute yellow table.

"So what's this whole thing you've got going on? Why were you trying to get away from me so fast?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee.

I played with my fingers being sure to not make eye contact with him. "Because I'm not looking for a guy."

He narrowed his eyebrows, "well why is that? I'm sure your ex boyfriend wouldn't want you just sitting around being sad that you two broke up."

My eyes shot onto him, "He is not my ex." I sternly told him. "He passed away."

The guy stayed quiet, biting the inside of his cheek. "I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah, me too." I admit.

"Well I'm sure that he just wants you to be happy. To live your life and do amazing things." He sent me a small smile.

"Yeah, he would." I smiled in remembrance.

"Why do you still dream then? I know most people dream so they can be in a relationship or have sex. If you aren't looking for a boyfriend, why do you do it?" He played with the wrist band that rested on his wrist.

"He wanted me to dream. He said it's what made me happy, so I'm doing it for him." I looked down to my feet under the table.

"Hey." He leaned forward towards the table to get closer to me. "I'll always be here for you. Even when you can't see me, just dream and I'll be here."

Those words started to play in my head on repeat. That sounded like what Ethan sa-

"I have one thing to tell you though," he cut me off from my thoughts.

"What?" I looked into his eyes, freezing. I got chills going down my spin just by looking at him.

"Chin up, buttercup."


I really hope you guys enjoyed this book! Follow me and read the rest of my stories! This was by far my favorite book to write and I'm glad you guys are being so positive about it! Love you y'all so much(:

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