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"Good morning princess." Ethan's voice soothed my ears.
"Hi." I softly spoke back to him.

"Let's do something today." He shifted his hands behind his head.
"Let's bake a bunch of stuff." I giggled.
"Brownies!" He almost drooled.


I put the eggs, milk, olive oil and cake batter into a bowl and started mixing it.

"I'll turn on the oven," ethan walked over to the oven.

We poured the mix into a pan, taking a few licks of the batter off of our fingers. I walked over to the oven opening it then sticking the pan into the oven. As I pulled my arm out, I accidentally hit my fingers on the burning hot metal.

"Ow!" I jumped in pain.
"Shit!" Ethan yelled. I instantly turned around to face him. He was holding onto his pointer finger and middle finger.
"What the fuck was that?" Ethan looked around him confused.

"Ethan." I stated his name. He raised his eyebrows at me, "What?"

"I just burned my fingers, a-and you felt it too." My voice got shaky as I grew to be scared.
"How is that possible?" He seemed shocked.

"I don't know, but I've been noticing it..." I sat down onto the couch.

"How? What have you been seeing?" He questioned.

"Like when I cut my finger yesterday, you felt a burn. When your dad knocked you out, I passed out. When I woke up, you woke up. When your dad burned you, I got a burn..." I looked down knowing he was going to react.

"What?" His eyes got wide as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders.

I pulled down the neck of my shirt, showing him the burn in the shape of a circle.

"Gabby, no. I'm so sorry. Fuck!" He screamed. "I never wanted you to get hurt." He paused. "How are we connected?"

"I don't know. We both dreamt about each other and now that it's real, it might be having an after effect." I admit my opinion to him.

"But, it hasn't always been like that has it? I've never felt your pain till a couple days ago?" His eyebrows narrowed.

"I feel like it's getting worse and worse." I looked down to my hands.

"Hey." He put his large hand down onto my back, rubbing it back and forth.

"It can't all be bad right? I've been feeling this extreme happiness lately. Not just because of my parents, but I feel mentally happy. That has to be from you right?" He smiled down as me looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head, "I'm only happy because I have you. I was horrible before." I frowned remembering what my life without Ethan was like.

Oh my god. Meg probably hates me. I never talk to her anymore.

"I'm happy that I make you happy." His hand glided along my face.

"You know what feeling I like best?" He asked me.
"Which one?" I played with his fingers.
He leaned in close to me, almost connecting our lips, but didn't. He just sat there centimeters away from my face.
"Do you feel that?" He whispered, looking into my eyes. "When your heart starts racing because your so close to doing something with someone you love."

I did, I felt my heart start racing super fast just by being inches away from kissing him. I nodded my head at him. I've been craving his lips for almost a week now, I need them.

Ethan pulled away from my quickly, coughing into his sleeve.
"You okay?" I rubbed his back due to his deep cough.

I flinched a little at the pain I felt in my chest from the cough.
He cleared his throat, "Yeah I'm fine."


I adjusted myself in the sheets, facing Ethan. Even though I could hardly see him, I knew his face was right next to mine.

"Hey guess what?" Ethan whispered.
"What?" I giggled lightly.
"I love you." His raspy light voice spoke. "So fucking much."
My face became hot, " I love you, Ethan." I blushed deeply.

"Goodnight precious." His large hand softly gripped onto my cheek. Before I could say anything back, his lips attached to my forehead, leaving a soft kissing. You missed.

"Goodnight babe."


I woke up due to my throat itching. I quietly got out of bed. As I walked I felt something coming up my throat.

I ran for the toilet and coughed deeply into the toilet, closing my eyes. I took a breath leaning my head onto the wall.

"What the fuck." I mumbled, looking into the toilet. Blood.

I wiped my mouth seeing blood all over it. Then it came again, that clump. I ran back to the toilet coughing up more and more.

"Babe?" Ethan walked into the bathroom. "Oh my god!" His feet quickly bent down next to me. "What's wrong?" He started to freak out seeing all of this blood.

"Get my mom." I slurred out then coughing again.

Ethan ran to my mom and I sat there holding onto the seat. Wait. Ethan can feel what I feel though.

They both came back into the bathroom.
"Oh my god!" My mom yelled bending down by me.
"Ethan!" I begged for him. "Are you okay?"
He held onto his throat, "I'll be fine, let's get you to the hospital." He wrapped my arm over his shoulder and we went into the car.


I woke up to the sound of beating, my heart rate. I looked over around the room and saw my mom.

"Hi honey." She quickly got up.
I looked around not seeing Ethan. "Where's Ethan?" My voice cracked out.

"He um- honey he's in another room." She explained.
"Why?" I was confused.
"I swear, it's the weirdest thing. After you came in here, he started to cough up blood as well. It makes no sense. Doctor will be back soon to explain." My mom assured me.

Then I noticed I was at my Licid dream doctor. The one that helped me and gave me pills.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dr. walking into the room.

"Hi Gabby! Nice to see you again." He smiled and sat onto a stool.
"Hi." I lightly greeted.

"So, I have some results." He looked down, not a good look.
I felt my heart drop.
"First of all, I don't know how it's possible but it seems like you and Ethan are connected in some way. This has only happened once before." He explained to me. I already knew this though.

"What? Are you crazy? No way." My mom doubted.

"Well, Gabby. You and Ethan both dreamed about each other, then both took pills to not dream and when you both became a reality, something went wrong. You guys were supposed to stop seeing each other but when it came to the real world, you stayed together. The pills were supposed to repulse you away from each other but you grew together, causing a reaction. Now I need you to tell me, have you been noticing a change in you or him lately?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, "yes, he's a lot more happy."

"Have you noticed any weird pains that are unexplainable?"

I nodded again, "yes, I burned and cut my finger and Ethan felt both of them."

He let out a huge sigh. "This only happened once in my time of working here with lucid dreams." He started.

"Gabby, the pain, the connection, it's only going to get worse. You will start to notice it." He let out a sigh.

"How do I stop it? How do we break the connection?" I begged for him to tell me.

"There's only one option to stop it." He started.

"We have to put one of you down, or you're both going to be sick for the rest of your life."


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