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"Honey! Honey wake up!" My eyes dizzyly opened revealing the face of my mom. "Oh thank god!" I felt her arms wrap around my body.

"What happened?" I held onto my head as I sat up.

"I came upstairs to see if you were okay and I found you passed out. You wouldn't wake up." She breathed heavily.

"Ethan. What happened to Ethan?" I quickly started to panic as I stood up on my own two feet.

My moms eyes got glossy as she shook her head. "Oh honey." She cried pulling me into a hug.

"What mom!" I pulled away from her.
"His dad... he hit his head onto the counter so hard then he passed out." A couple tears slipped from her eye.

My whole body froze, scared for what I just heard. What if he died?
"His parents left him there. They left the house and left him there." She cried.

My eyes widened as I felt my heart drop. "Let's go!" I grabbed her wrist and started sprinting down stairs. "Honey we don't have anyway to get in!

"Mom I've been seeing him for a while. I know how to get into his house." I assured her as we started to drive. We drove for 10 minutes until I saw the house.

I got chills just looking at it. Knowing he was in there, unconscious and knowing what had just happened to him made me hate the sight.

I swung open the car door before my mom ever parked and ran towards the house. "Fuck!" I wheeped as my ankle had twisted making me fall onto the ground. "Honey!" My mom waddled towards me in her heals.

"I'm fine I'm fine." I got up angrily. I grabbed onto her hand and led her towards his house. Once I reached the porch I lifted up the bird house that was on my ground and picked up the key.

Sticking the key into the lock, the door swung open. "Ethan!" I screamed scanning his house.

"Gabby?" His voice panicked as his head peaked around the kitchen wall.

When I saw him, my heart calmed down. "Oh my god!" I mumbled rubbing into his arms. His arms fastly wrapped around me as I hugged tight onto his torso.

"Let me see your chest." I lightly pulled at his shirt. He let out a huff of air then lifted up his shirt. The breath felt like it had been taken out of me. It was so much worse than I thought.

He had four deep purple circular burns with black surrounding them. The outline of the circle looked like it went deep into him too.

"Ethan oh my god." I rubbed my hand very gently over the marks.
"I know." He choked a little bit pulling me back into a hug.

"You're ankle." He pulled away from me, looking down to my feet.
I raised my eyebrow at him, "How'd you know I hurt my ankle?"
He paused then hesitating, "I-i just had a feeling." He narrowed his eyebrows.

"Ethan thank god you're okay!" My mom ran into the house and wrapped Ethan into her arms.

"Wait wait wait." I broke their hug. "How did you wake up? My mom said you were... knocked out." My mood became very mellow.

"I'm gonna go get some water for you guys." My mom walked to the fridge.

"I uh, I don't know. All I remember is my dad..." Ethan's voice began to shake. "H-he slammed my head into the counter a-and then I couldn't see anyth-" Ethan squeezed his eyes shut as a tear slipped out.

"Shhh, babe it's okay." My heart ached for him while I pulled him into my arms.

My eyes began to water as my heart started hurting. I couldn't help but cry.

His hand moved over his mouth to stop him from crying. "Come here." I kept my arm around him as we walked over to the couch.

He put both of his hands over his face as he leaned into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him as we both cried.

"It'll be okay, Ethan. I promise. We have all the evidence." I rubbed his back.

He sniffed his nose a couple of times then looked up to me. His eyes were a puffy red and he had a mini smile on his face." Thank you for always making me feel better."

My heart became warm, sending a feeling down my entire body. I love him so much.

"I love you so much, Gabby." His hand held onto my cheek.

"I was um," I chuckled. "I was just thinking that." I looked back up into his eyes. His head tilted to the side, admiring my features. His hand moved a piece of hair out of my face.

I closed my eyes starting to lean in, "Look what i have!" My mom came rushing into the room.

Ethan and I broke out of our moment, "the flash drive!" I got up quickly. Ethan followed me and took it into his hands.

We all stayed quiet as he stared at the drive. A pit of nervousness hit my stomach. "I'm scared, what if it doesn't work." He looked at me nervously.

"Ethan, I promise you. It's gonna work." I looked deep into his eyes, traveling inside them. He looked back directly into mine.

I swear, I felt closer to him than I ever had before.


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