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"Honey, will you please let me see your scars?" My mom bent down onto her knees while Ethan and I sat next to each other on my couch.

His head shifted towards me; nervously. I nodded my head reassuring him that it was okay.

He let out a huff through his nose and grabbed the back of the neck to his shirt, then pulling it over his head.

I know this is a bad moment to say this but holy fuck his body is perfect. I couldn't help but stare at his buff chest and toned abs.

My moms mouth dropped as a couple of her fingers covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god." She mumbled. "May I?" She brought her fingers next to Ethan's chest.

He nodded.

My mom placed her finger tips onto the deep purple burns, causing Ethan to tense up, then slowly adjust.

"Your parents... we have to tell someone." My mom suggested.

His eyes went wide as he started shaking his head repeatedly, "No. No." ethan started to have a mini panic attack.

I placed my hand onto his bare upper back, rubbing it up and down to calm him down, "Ethan, calm down. We won't."

"You don't understand, if my parents find out that I'm snitching on them.." his voice faded off and his eyes became glossy. He blinked a couple times to hold back his tears then stood up lifting his hands over his face.

I stood up after him, "Hey it's okay." I grabbed onto his wrists, looking into his red puffy eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist to comfort him.

"Wait." My moms voice rung.

Ethan and I let go of each other's grasps as we turned towards my mom.

"What if," she stood up and started to pace back and forth. "We start a case, get evidence that your parents are abusive then once they get thrown into jail, we adopt you... you could join our family."

"But, that means we wouldn't ever be able to get-" I started but got cut off.

"Married." Ethan's eyes shifted down. "We wouldn't ever be able to get married."

"You will always have each other though. You don't need a ring to show your love." My mom tried to explain to us.

Ethan and I looked at each other and I let out a huff of air while pursuing my lips.

"How would we get proof of the abuse? Like just show them my burns?" He put his hands onto his hips and turned his head towards my mom.

"No honey, they will just say that anyone could have done that. We would have to set up a camera and-" My mom started to explain.

"No." I cut her off. "Ethan's not going through that again just to get proof."

"Ethan," my mom moved her eyes off of me and placed them onto Ethan. "Do you want to get away from them or not?"

He bit his lip nervously, thinking. "I guess we have to do it."

"Ethan." My eyes went wide while my heart beat picked up its pace.

"Gabby," he turned towards me, grabbing ahold of my hands. "I have to do this for myself. I can't keep going through it." He squeezed out a smile.

My face became very heated and my eyes became watery. I walked to him, pulling him into a hug.

"So, if we are going to get proof, I have old security cameras that we used to use. Ethan if you can set it up in your kitchen or something, we could shut them down." My mom explained.

He nodded his head, "okay. What do I say to set them off?" His voice was a little shaky.

"If they ask where you've been, say Gabby's house. They will get angry since they don't think she's real. Just like I did with you." My mom suggested.

He took a deep breath in, then back out. "Okay. Let's do this."


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